
New Member
So, I tried looking up cardboard halo Spartan armor on YouTube and well it makes me think. Maybe I should try working with cardboard first as a prototype before using EVA foam.

But the question is how do you have the cardboard not rip when you put it on when it is together?

Would it be trail and error?

And the right measurements?

Any ideas?

Cardboard Armor Prototype (I'm calling it I guess)
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Hello! spitzkitz and I made cardboard MK V armor in the past. Here is the build thread Halo: Cardboard Evolved

For the questions:

There was not much to stop it from ripping other than tape.

We did our measurements in armorsmith using foam unfolds. Once scaled, we modified the unfolds to work in a laser cutter.

Sizing can be trial and error and so can many parts of crafting, but that is ok!
Hello! spitzkitz and I made cardboard MK V armor in the past. Here is the build thread Halo: Cardboard Evolved

For the questions:

There was not much to stop it from ripping other than tape.

We did our measurements in armorsmith using foam unfolds. Once scaled, we modified the unfolds to work in a laser cutter.

Sizing can be trial and error and so can many parts of crafting, but that is ok!
Good to know. So, I'll be prepared for shocking of the rips of the cardboard when it comes to it. I have to agree on this and say for this being my first armor and deciding to use cardboard first before EVA foam will be good practice. Along with trail and error. I think I can work with that. First attempt will be cardboard then it will be EVA foam. Start small and cheap.
as someone who enjoys making cardboard props, you can also hot glue it up and glue some extra suppourts inside as well. stuff can hold reasonably well especially if you're layering up for details. looking forward to seeing how it comes out.
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