CGI flood infection form

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Well-Known Member
These are incomplete. Don't say anything stupid like "The sensor arms have no color" Or "where's the legs?" Please.
One is of the body, and the other is the spine on the back it infects you with. This is loosely based off of the halo 3 version, so no "eyes" and more flesh color than green.
LastSpartan said:
Nice job. Which program are you using?

huh thats cool and creepy..but are you planning on making other flood forms?
If you do I recommend to do the human combat form that would take awhile but might be better i dont know thats my opinion
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Don't worry, I plan on doing the whole army in my own style. Including gravemind.
Here's a description of my version of him.
He is a giant skull of dead bodies at the end of a huge tentacle. He a thin membrane for lips, and his right eye is 2401 Penatent Tangent.

Oh, I used anim8or......... No one say a damn word.
papamurf812 said:
Actually, Anim8or isn't that bad. I've used it, it's just difficult. And it's free. You can't beat that.
so i can download it free? :D
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Tusorials are usually found on the main site of the program. Just son't log on to a forum and ask really stupid questions like "How do I make a movie?" and "How do I make a person?".
It's their equivilent to our "please give me total tutorial on how to make armor."
I'm sure you understand.
i use blender mostly as a converter right now so i can get obj files into sketchup. i'm trying to learn it though.theres a good tutorial on wikipedia, but it's 140 pages :eek:
Of course. With a UI like that I suspect it would be. No ofense to the users....those poor souls. lol.
Ironcobra3000 said:
Well it appears as though my computer cannot run it due to the fact I have Vista, Oh wells :/

xalener said:
That sucks. It appears a lot of freeware 3d proggies can't run on vista.
It's a Conspiracy!! the flood forms look Great too.
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Don't worry, I plan on doing the whole army in my own style. Including gravemind.
Here's a description of my version of him.
He is a giant skull of dead bodies at the end of a huge tentacle. He a thin membrane for lips, and his right eye is 2401 Penatent Tangent.

just spitting it out i think grave mind jaw looks sorta like an elite jaw with tentacles and human characteristics cause that what the flood are you know all comsuming paricite then consume sentient creachers
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Are you sure you used anim8or? It looks like you used 3DS Max for it.

I take it you bump mapped the vein-like things on the skin from the texture? Or you just had the texture like that and it looks raised?
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