Chief Art

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Hey guys, i gotta a lil project i did here for your thoughts, its not really armor, but it is Halo related.

The Art

The Reference Pic

I did this as a final project in my advanced art class.

I started by laying out a basic outline of chief and all the major/identifiable parts so i had some reference points, the i started shading

i used a couple different shading techniques to try and capture the armor and undersuit textures. i used hatching, cross hatching and stippling for most of the shading, i also did some blending with an ebony pencil on the visor to try for that shiny/reflective look

the whole thing took me about 10-ish hours to do from start to finish

i hope ys guys like it, im in the process of putting some kind of frame on it to protect it, then its going on mah wall

P.S. feel free to move this if i put it in the wrong section
So, do you do this kind of stuff often? I know a certain multimedia editor that might still be looking for artists.

Either way, I like the work. You are definitely very talented.
i draw fairly often, when i can find the time and/or i have an idea or something i want to draw, i have various projects i started drawing laying around, some i finished and some i didn't :confused:

ive been trying to pick up on the workings of multimedia and 3D modeling, but ive been busy helpin my dad work on cars (grease monkey runs in the family lol)

thanks on the complement :D i also have a multi-colored ink print that was in the local college art show, its of a waterfall i found out by my bro's house in KC missouri, i might have to hunt up some of my other art if ya guys like this one
Malechei just shot me a PM that I might be interested in this topic, and I am. Very nice! We are still looking for artists for, if you'd be interested getting your stuff shown our front page brings in well over 50k views per week. If interested just shoot me a PM with a link to your stuff and lets talk.

Ooooh pretty. I really like the shading on the visor and the spattering on the armor! Makes for a very realistic textured look. I also like the neck piece. Normally I'd leave one or two areas where you could improve it, but I won't do that unless I had my own work online for you to critique. The dark background really helps the Chief stand out. And the pose gives some movement to the scene. Very nice!
thats really good. I was actually up until around 3 last night drawing SGT Johnson, and it turned out pretty good. not as goos as your chief though. nice work.
That's really nice. It makes me want to start drawing again. Although I just do anime and manga.

It's a really great drawing. You have some serious talent.
moonwildflower said:
Nice! Another spartan who can draw! What's your major?

lol, my major is actually mechanical engineering, i'm somewhat aiming to try and land a job as a concept designer for cars or the military once i graduate (im still working on that part lol)

lol thanks vlad, that kitty pwns

and city, believe it or not, i mostly draw anime and manga lol, i used to have like 3 drawing books for mecha manga (massive fan of gundam series (y) tall geese and heavy arms rox!) anime and manga, but i loaned them out and never saw them again, really sucks considering one was like $40 and around 700+ pages long

im glad ya like it, i'll have to revamp ye olde drawing pencil and sketch book and start back up my drawing fetish :rolleyes or i could just get with the future and buy a wacom tablet for my photoshop, so many decisions!! :mad:
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Some constructive criticism.

On the SMG front handle/grip/sausage/thing, it looks like you tried to "force" shade it. Kinda hard to explain.

It just doesn't seem natural, and it stands out from the rest of the drawing.

Other than that small detail, it looks gorgeous.
Ahh. Industrial design. Some of that stuff rocks. I'm leaning more towards game art as an illustration major. Do you have a DA account or something?
looks good. Personally I would run it through Photoshop and what not :p . Color makes everything better in my opinion, but I don’t think it is necessary here.
Tater Mane said:
Some constructive criticism.

On the SMG front handle/grip/sausage/thing, it looks like you tried to "force" shade it. Kinda hard to explain.

It just doesn't seem natural, and it stands out from the rest of the drawing.

Other than that small detail, it looks gorgeous.

lol in all honesty that how it looks on the picture, i thought it looked weird to, but i went with it anyway, i do agree that it looks off tho, the problem could be that i was using a grey scale pic as a reference, not a colored one

lol micney, im with ya 100% on that one, i love colors, it did kinda annoy me that i had to do this in grey scale, but ya gotta keep the teacher happy and what not :p

and believe it or not moonwildflower, i dont have a DA account because the only scanner i had access to was broke and it hadnt occurred to me to take a pic of it then post the stuff till yesterday ;) ima slow thinker lol, ill prolly end up setting one up now tho, ill shoot ya a Pm if your interested when i do get one going
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Amazing work!

I like the shadowing and shading done on the Chief. Though the shading done on the SMG may be a bit "forced", I actually think it fits. I also like the depth you added through the shading. Keep up the great work.
Since everyone liked the Chief so much i thought i would throw this in here to, i've worked about 3 hours on it so far, i laid out the rough sketch with a pencil then "inked" it with a sharpie to get a clean, smudge free area to color and add detail. hope ya like :D


this is the rough concept i have going for my next build, a full ODST suit for the launch of Halo 3: ODST. ive got the basic color scheme lined out, dont know if ya can see it in the pic, the lighting kinda sucks. i will admit, i had to use a ref pic to get the basic shape and perspective down, since im not used to the ODST helm and couldn't draw it from memory :mad:


and here is my "work station" along with my ref pic in the background on the monitor
yes, that is the pep model of the ODST helm, best reference i could think of to figure out all the lines of the helmet

hope ya guys like, ill try to finish this one up sometime in the next few days


got the pic done of the helmet, its colored with colored pencil, so the quality isnt that great in the pics i got, (camera isnt playing fair :concerned: )

ANother thing on the chief drawing, the "mouthpiece" on the helmet's front looks a little... wide.

And the SMG front looks crooked and lopsided for some reason. minor things, really

Other than that, great job. Nice ODST too, btw.
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