COG Tags

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Active Member
After getting nearly all of the COG Tags in my Gears of War, I thought to myself, why not make some? The only problem would have to be with the name or whatever, but then again you could always like chisel it in XD
Ive got all 30, but seeing the tags, they really dont look like they could hold info but a nice blue cog neckless would be very nice
SPARTAN-053 said:
Ive got all 30, but seeing the tags, they really dont look like they could hold info but a nice blue cog neckless would be very nice

Yeah, I don't know how they could hold any information because of their shape, but its worth a try! XD
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Well its not that hard to get one of those, on my school we have a CNC machine and enough iron or aluminium, so ive any one want to have a COG tag just PM me...
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