Commander Wolffe phase 1 armor build


Hello there.
(insert General Kenobi meme here)

With the start of a new year I also started to work on a new cosplay. But this time is something from Star Wars. And it is a clone commander of 104th Battalion from the Clone Wars series... but in the movie style. While I like the overall look of the clones in the animated series but the design from the movies is the one I prefer.

First I started to work on the DC-17 blaster pistols. And this was the first time ever when I used templates made by myself. So I'm pretty proud how the turned out. Granted they're still missing the barrel but that's something I will add at some point.
(1st FILE)

Next on the list was the helmet. Don't have much to say here other than I need to make the rangefinder that goes on the side of the helmet.
(2nd FILE)

I also what to say that the templates for the whole armor were made by Tristan Maker. For anyone curious.

After the helmet it was time to work on the upper half of the armor. First to be built were the arms. That includes hand plates, forearms, elbow guards, biceps and shoulder pads. Then I worked on the abdominal piece. And after that the front and back chest piece.
(3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th FILE)

And with all those parts built I did a small fit test. (7th FILE)
And that's what I got for now.


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Hello. It's me again. I'm here with an update on my cosplay.

Let's start with legs. I got the thighs, knee pads and shins buit. In the image the shins have a tape on them. And that's because I had to do a cut so I can put it on my leg. I will install a zipper there soon.

Next are the cod piece and butt plate. There's not much to say here. Got them built and trimmed to fit me.

And the final thing of this update - The belt. Not gonna lie there was "a little bit" of work to do. First I got the base of the belt and trimmed it. Next was time to work on ammo pouches. Bit annoying to do but I got them done.

Also I glued some velcro to the abdominal piece and the parts I mentioned in this post so everything holds together.


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Hello. It's me again. I'm here with an update on my cosplay.

Let's start with legs. I got the thighs, knee pads and shins buit. In the image the shins have a tape on them. And that's because I had to do a cut so I can put it on my leg. I will install a zipper there soon.

Next are the cod piece and butt plate. There's not much to say here. Got them built and trimmed to fit me.

And the final thing of this update - The belt. Not gonna lie there was "a little bit" of work to do. First I got the base of the belt and trimmed it. Next was time to work on ammo pouches. Bit annoying to do but I got them done.

Also I glued some velcro to the abdominal piece and the parts I mentioned in this post so everything holds together.
That armor is lookim so good!!! Love seein more clones!
Hello. It's me again. I'm here with an update on my cosplay.

Let's start with legs. I got the thighs, knee pads and shins buit. In the image the shins have a tape on them. And that's because I had to do a cut so I can put it on my leg. I will install a zipper there soon.

Next are the cod piece and butt plate. There's not much to say here. Got them built and trimmed to fit me.

And the final thing of this update - The belt. Not gonna lie there was "a little bit" of work to do. First I got the base of the belt and trimmed it. Next was time to work on ammo pouches. Bit annoying to do but I got them done.

Also I glued some velcro to the abdominal piece and the parts I mentioned in this post so everything holds together.
Also idk what helmet u goin with but make sure its on the lighter side ive got a resin casted arf trooper helmet and it heckin destroyed my neck xD u may alrdy know all this but figured id bring it up
Can't wait to see this finished, phase 1 is my favourite clone design, and Wolffe is my favourite clone commander design. Amazing combo. Looks great so far!
It is that time again. The time to show some more progress. So yeah... let's begin.

I finally got around and made some additions to the armor such as rangefinder and shoulder pad antenna. Ngl I'm pretty proud of how they turned out. Especially because I didn't have any templates for them and had to make them myself.
But there's something I need to tell you. I messed up. And to be more specific - the rangefinder. I tried to make it functional but unfortunately I made some mistakes and had to glue it permanently to the helmet. If I wanted a moving one then I would have to scrap the whole helmet. And that's something I won't do.

Let's move on to the next part - The holsters. I didn't had any templates for them as well. So I made them. It was a little bit hard to find a good reference picture but I managed to find a decent one. And the holsters look pretty good.

And I guess that's it for now. I'll update you again when I get some more stuff done


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Hello there.
I know it's been a while since the last update. And to be perfectly honest, I should've had made it sooner. But I forgor . Anyways, let's start where we left off.

Back in March, after the last post, I got to priming all the armor parts. First with some spray rubber and then with couple of layers of white spray primer. And thanks to the color of the primer I didn't had to go over the armor with additional layer/s of white paint. And by the end of March I started to mask armor pieces with some masking tape to prepare it for the grey paint. I forget to mention I also asked a friend to help me the kama.

Through April I finished adding the grey paint and I installed the visor to the helmet. Decals to the helmet also has been added. As for whethering I left it for later. Why you may ask? Well I had a good reason. Towards the end of April there was a cosplay picnic where I was going to meet up with other fellow clone trooperes and I wanted to surprise them with my cosplay.

Moving on. In May as well as June I worked on weathering. Sometime in between I also started to work on a jetpack for my Commander Wolffe. But that's a thing for another post. As for the weathering I finished it early on during the month of June. And on the 16th of June my finished cosplay has been deployed during Pyrkon - biggest convention in my country.

And as of now that's it for this update. But I still have some things to do. I plan to finish the jetpack and make the DC-15s blaster. But until then... May the Force be with you.


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¡¡¡Se ve muy bien!!! Me encanta Wolffe, hice uno hace mucho tiempo que estaba registrado en Rebel Legion, como comentario de apoyo me gusta dejar el abdomen permanentemente sujeto con un cinturón y usar elásticos como arnés para los hombros, espero que les ayude, saludos.
Hello there.
I know it's been a while since the last update. And to be perfectly honest, I should've had made it sooner. But I forgor . Anyways, let's start where we left off.

Back in March, after the last post, I got to priming all the armor parts. First with some spray rubber and then with couple of layers of white spray primer. And thanks to the color of the primer I didn't had to go over the armor with additional layer/s of white paint. And by the end of March I started to mask armor pieces with some masking tape to prepare it for the grey paint. I forget to mention I also asked a friend to help me the kama.

Through April I finished adding the grey paint and I installed the visor to the helmet. Decals to the helmet also has been added. As for whethering I left it for later. Why you may ask? Well I had a good reason. Towards the end of April there was a cosplay picnic where I was going to meet up with other fellow clone trooperes and I wanted to surprise them with my cosplay.

Moving on. In May as well as June I worked on weathering. Sometime in between I also started to work on a jetpack for my Commander Wolffe. But that's a thing for another post. As for the weathering I finished it early on during the month of June. And on the 16th of June my finished cosplay has been deployed during Pyrkon - biggest convention in my country.

And as of now that's it for this update. But I still have some things to do. I plan to finish the jetpack and make the DC-15s blaster. But until then... May the Force be with you.
very nice! i like the AotC style armor. How is the mobility in it?
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