New Member
Does anyone know any explanation given for why if Cortana could physically manifest herself from hard light technology, and she'd long wanted to physically touch the chief, (probably long wanted to physically touch literally anything, having had no body previously.) she completely passed up such an opportunity on any of the several occasions when hard light bridges are present? The earliest to my knowledge being the hard light bridge in Halo CE that you activate in that unnatural cave formation, although there are others. Additionally, if she could have made herself hard light through the use of forerunner tech, why did she only use this ability after the human-covenant war? Are we to believe that her hard light body would have been vulnerable to plasma weapons? Seems like in Halo CE you should power up the bridge and Cortana should stop you all excited, plug in, and hop out of the bridge, pick up a plasma rifle and hop in the passenger seat of your warthog with a big stupid grin on her face as she touches everything within reach.