I thought of this after I saw hot glue take the exact shape of a action figure when it was applied, it came out as a perfect mold of the torso of the figure, I was thinking, In such a mass amount, sunce a pack of 30 hot glue sticks cost 2-3 dollars, if someone were to purchase say 10 of them, and have 300 sticks, it is possible you could mold a helmet, I'm not to sure if liquid plastics for molding would work well with hot glue as a mold, but hot glue is flexible, hard when dry, and maintains it's shape for a long time.
I was thinking maybe heating this up in a coffee tin over a portable heater in my garage, then paintbrushing on thin layers of hot glue to get into the corners and small areas, then glob it on until a inch or two thick, it dries in atleast 30 seconds and can be worked with right afterwards for your liquid molding plastics, or any other type of molding technique.
I'm not sure if this will work, but I'm thinking of testing it out on a small figure again, I dont have pics since I smashed the glue back into a tube shape to be used for my gun, so it's just an idea until then. But I'm highly doubting about what happens AFTER you mold it.
I was thinking maybe heating this up in a coffee tin over a portable heater in my garage, then paintbrushing on thin layers of hot glue to get into the corners and small areas, then glob it on until a inch or two thick, it dries in atleast 30 seconds and can be worked with right afterwards for your liquid molding plastics, or any other type of molding technique.
I'm not sure if this will work, but I'm thinking of testing it out on a small figure again, I dont have pics since I smashed the glue back into a tube shape to be used for my gun, so it's just an idea until then. But I'm highly doubting about what happens AFTER you mold it.