Discussion: California Battalion and BCO vote


Sr Member
Member DIN
Hello - ahem- Golden State,

The staff up here in the evergreens, me, Lukavago ArcSol SubXzeroXhero , think it is a really good time to form a California Battalion. We currently have a lot of great costumes and a lot of new members joining all the time and we feel that some more CA staff would help retain member interest and produce even more costumes! Not to mention even more official activities popping up in SoCal with the Paramount TV show.

What does forming a Battalion mean? You would function as a group within the Pacific Regiment. You would have your own subforum and possibly other social platforms to chat. You would have the ability to create a Battalion logo. Overall it would bring CA members closer or more socially active.

Who can form a Battalion? Last my memory serves, you need 5 deployed members to start it and one of those members needs to accept the role of Battalion Commanding Officer BCO. Luckily, you currently have several active deployed members that can create the group and you all would need to vote on one of them to become the BCO (if they accept).

The list of deployed (or soon to be deployed) members:

If you all are interested in forming a CA Battalion then I think we should proceed like we do with RCO elections, which is to say:

Anyone living in CA and a Pacific Member can nominate or second anyone from the above list. Anyone from the list can nominate or second themselves. If there are two people that are nominated and seconded then we will get Division involved on how to proceed with a proper vote. If only one person is nominated and seconded then we will proceed with applying for a CA Battalion.

I will ping some CA members so they know we are in talks
Badkitty CobaltEclipse jabsgreywarden1 Justin Ghazal RedSparrow RyFISH The Tiny Geek Thom A293 Yelsanick0117

Also, feel free to discuss or ask questions.
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Happy to answer any and all questions on how Battalion stuff works, as well as how we do things and why. Really excited to see what y'all can do!
Can’t wait to see this take off, it’s about time one rolled around. I’m more than happy to step up and help with the setup, I just worry about the experience needed and my time on here. Haven’t exactly been around too long, but I’ll do whatever I can to help.
Willing to be apart of this in any capacity. Super excited to see this develop! Would love to see someone experienced in both foam and 3d printing like PapaBear271 take charge of the California Battalion. I’ve known him for over a decade and know he’d be great. Very passionate about Halo and cosplay.
It is absolutely not our place to say who should or shouldn't be your Battalion Staff. That is for you guys to decide amongst yourselves. Which is, ideally, what the goal of this thread will ultimately be.

For what it's worth, PapaBear also has my support for BCO.

To make matters a little clearer for you all in this thread, we don't actually need you guys to figure out who is going to be the BXO and BMO. Whoever ends up being the Commanding Officer will get final say.

What we need is for you all to nominate a BCO and for any of you who are deployed and are willing to potentially be the BCO or either of the other two Staff positions to make yourselves known. If we have more hats in the ring that is great.

Past that, we need support. Vocal support. People who are willing to say you will be a part of the Battalion once it is formed. If you're a deployed full member, bonus points. If you can easily become a deployed full member, it would be super if you could get the ball rolling on that. The more you guys have, the better.
Can’t wait to see this take off, it’s about time one rolled around. I’m more than happy to step up and help with the setup, I just worry about the experience needed and my time on here. Haven’t exactly been around too long, but I’ll do whatever I can to help.
I just want to curb this real quick while I'm here.

There may be a misunderstanding of what we are requiring of you guys to be Staff.

To be clear, you absolutely do not need any 'experience' needed to do this. What we are looking for is someone who is deployed, active (ideally on the forums), easy to get ahold of, and has a passion for the community. Really that's it.

None of us as Staff members knew what we were getting into when we became Staff either. There's no instruction manual for this. Be professional when interacting with other members. Be willing to devote some of your time and care to our community. Say hello to people on the forums... or at the very least respond to people when they interact with you or tag you in things. Come to Conventions and Events. If you can do those things, you'll be a great Staff member. It doesn't matter how new you are.
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It is absolutely not our place to say who should or shouldn't be your Battalion Staff. That is for you guys to decide amongst yourselves. Which is, ideally, what the goal of this thread will ultimately be.

For what it's worth, PapaBear also has my support for BCO.

To make matters a little clearer for you all in this thread, we don't actually need you guys to figure out who is going to be the BXO and BMO. Whoever ends up being the Commanding Officer will get final say.

What we need is for you all to nominate a BCO and for any of you who are deployed and are willing to potentially be the BCO or either of the other two Staff positions to make yourselves known. If we have more hats in the ring that is great.

Past that, we need support. Vocal support. People who are willing to say you will be a part of the Battalion once it is formed. If you're a deployed full member, bonus points. If you can easily become a deployed full member, it would be super if you could get the ball rolling on that. The more you guys have, the better.
Sounds good Arc, thank you for the info! I know I have stated my support for PapaBear271 already, but how do we officially vote and nominate? I will reach out to others I know in CA for their vocal support as well :)
Sounds good Arc, thank you for the info! I know I have stated my support for PapaBear271 already, but how do we officially vote and nominate? I will reach out to others I know in CA for their vocal support as well :)
As of now we're just throwing it all in here. Your written nominations are the best place to start. We don't know who all we need to be 'voting' for until we know who all even wants to be in the ring in the first place - or even if we are voting at all. Maybe everyone just votes for the same person, who knows.

Anyone who gets a nomination and does not personally accept it will not be counted. No electing people without their express approval.

You can, however, nominate yourself. If you are interested in a Staff position please do so.
As of now we're just throwing it all in here. Your written nominations are the best place to start. We don't know who all we need to be 'voting' for until we know who all even wants to be in the ring in the first place - or even if we are voting at all. Maybe everyone just votes for the same person, who knows.

Anyone who gets a nomination and does not personally accept it will not be counted. No electing people without their express approval.

You can, however, nominate yourself. If you are interested in a Staff position please do so.
Understood! Really excited to kick this off! I am interested in any Staff position available or at the very least willing to contribute in any way even if it is something as small as a place to crash.
Hello All,

Thank you Zenghilios for the BCO nomination. I accept your nomination. For those who don't know me, let me tell you about who I am. First, I have been a fan of Halo since CE came out in 2001. I was on the USS Peleliu and after shift, we all ran to the original Xbox grabbed a controller and slugged it out for hours. I actually bought the game before I owned an Xbox. I can't say I am a super fan and know every little detail and trivia about the Halo universe, but I know enough. I've played all the games, but I haven't finished Infinite just yet. It just hasn't been a priority for me (Jorge took precedence) .

I have been doing costuming stuff since 1997 when I got into a renaissance group that did sword fighting. I've done Civil War reenactments as the First Sargent with artillery (Love the big booms!). I also am a part of a Rev War reenactment group. My Cosplay life started in 2002 with the 501st as a Biker Scout before they were anal retentive butt monkeys. I still have the outfit, but it no longer qualifies for membership and I'm too fluffy to fit into it anymore.

I am new to the 405th officially. I went to the Halo Outpost Discovery way back in 2019 dressed as a Marine with my two sons NobleAcutal and Pipninja. In 2022 I went to Emerald City Comic Con with Pipninja as his handler. I had a great time and decided to make my own Spartan outfit. Since I'm a big man and a little fluffy (6'4" 260 lbs) I decided to make a Jorge outfit. I decided to make it out of foam for the light weight and flexibility foam offers. I made a duct tape mannequin of myself and used that to pretty much pattern my whole outfit from scratch. My helmet was 3d printed using PETG so I know how to use that medium as well. 14 months later Jorge was reborn just in time for the HCS world championship last October (2023). I won the Cosplay contest at that event and have since deployed as a Tier 3 Spartan.

I am a 20 year Navy veteran and a former Scout Master. I have held multiple leadership positions both professionally and in social organizations similar to the 405th. To be honest, I don't want the title. I want to see the job done. I want to mentor the next leader and pass it down when whoever come next is ready (their decision, not mine). I've know too many bad leaders that just want the title and the "respect" and not the responsibility. I want to facilitate all of us having fun, improving our cosplay, and share in the comradery that is Halo!
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Can we be Californian Operations and Missions Battalion (COMBAT)?
That is a great question and one that only Division can answer. You'll likely be able to submit name requests when submitting the application.

Thank you both for the nomination and second of Papabear271! We'll give it a full week to see if any one else wants to put their hat in the ring. (Or give more support for Papabear!).
Hello Sunshine state,

The staff up here in the evergreens, me, Lukavago ArcSol SubXzeroXhero , think it is a really good time to form a California Battalion. We currently have a lot of great costumes and a lot of new members joining all the time and we feel that some more CA staff would help retain member interest and produce even more costumes! Not to mention even more official activities popping up in SoCal with the Paramount TV show.

What does forming a Battalion mean? You would function as a group within the Pacific Regiment. You would have your own subforum and possibly other social platforms to chat. You would have the ability to create a Battalion logo. Overall it would bring CA members closer or more socially active.

Who can form a Battalion? Last my memory serves, you need 5 deployed members to start it and one of those members needs to accept the role of Battalion Commanding Officer BCO. Luckily, you currently have several active deployed members that can create the group and you all would need to vote on one of them to become the BCO (if they accept).

The list of deployed (or soon to be deployed) members:

If you all are interested in forming a CA Battalion then I think we should proceed like we do with RCO elections, which is to say:

Anyone living in CA and a Pacific Member can nominate or second anyone from the above list. Anyone from the list can nominate or second themselves. If there are two people that are nominated and seconded then we will get Division involved on how to proceed with a proper vote. If only one person is nominated and seconded then we will proceed with applying for a CA Battalion.

I will ping some CA members so they know we are in talks
Badkitty CobaltEclipse jabsgreywarden1 Justin Ghazal RedSparrow RyFISH The Tiny Geek Thom A293 Yelsanick0117

Also, feel free to discuss or ask questions.
Ya that sounds awesome totally down to help aswell!!!
Excellent! With Shadow jumping in, we now have 5 deployed members agreeing to be part of the Battalion (Bowye does too he just hasn't stated in the thread yet - I would assume RadMax117 does since he has been liking posts but hasn't clarified).

According to the Mantle, we now meet the minimum requirements for submitting the request to become a Battalion, once you all can agree on who should be BCO. However, the more the merrier. If you would like to be a part of the Battalion once it is formed, let us know so we can submit all of the names to FANGS at the same time.

Like Duke said, we'll leave the thread open for a few more days - anyone who is still interested in either nominating themselves or someone else for the BCO role, now is the time. Same goes for anyone else who would like to be considered for BXO or BMO roles - again, the elected CO will get final say... but they won't know who to pick from unless ya'll let it be known you want to be.
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Also, time to start mulling names over. For your general knowledge, the current list of Battalions is:
Canada Regiment:
-Delta Battalion
-Snow Burner Battalion
-Nouveau Montreal Battalion
Southern Regiment:
-Magic Iron Battalion
Pacific Regiment:
-Washington Battalion
The BXO and BMO positions do not need to be deployed members.

The name is supposed to be related to the geographical area. Magic Iron is a mountain range, Delta is a waterway, Snow burners get a lot of snow.. etc. So we are limited there. I do think there is a nice brother hood in WABAT and CABAT visually, but verbally it doesn't sound great. I do also like Papa's suggestion of COMBAT.

I don't want to limit the battalion to just SoCal, so other names would have to play on California as a whole like being the Sunshine state or avocado toast or something.
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