- Member DIN
- S128
Hello - ahem- Golden State,
The staff up here in the evergreens, me, Lukavago ArcSol SubXzeroXhero , think it is a really good time to form a California Battalion. We currently have a lot of great costumes and a lot of new members joining all the time and we feel that some more CA staff would help retain member interest and produce even more costumes! Not to mention even more official activities popping up in SoCal with the Paramount TV show.
What does forming a Battalion mean? You would function as a group within the Pacific Regiment. You would have your own subforum and possibly other social platforms to chat. You would have the ability to create a Battalion logo. Overall it would bring CA members closer or more socially active.
Who can form a Battalion? Last my memory serves, you need 5 deployed members to start it and one of those members needs to accept the role of Battalion Commanding Officer BCO. Luckily, you currently have several active deployed members that can create the group and you all would need to vote on one of them to become the BCO (if they accept).
The list of deployed (or soon to be deployed) members:
If you all are interested in forming a CA Battalion then I think we should proceed like we do with RCO elections, which is to say:
Anyone living in CA and a Pacific Member can nominate or second anyone from the above list. Anyone from the list can nominate or second themselves. If there are two people that are nominated and seconded then we will get Division involved on how to proceed with a proper vote. If only one person is nominated and seconded then we will proceed with applying for a CA Battalion.
I will ping some CA members so they know we are in talks
Badkitty CobaltEclipse jabsgreywarden1 Justin Ghazal RedSparrow RyFISH The Tiny Geek Thom A293 Yelsanick0117
Also, feel free to discuss or ask questions.
The staff up here in the evergreens, me, Lukavago ArcSol SubXzeroXhero , think it is a really good time to form a California Battalion. We currently have a lot of great costumes and a lot of new members joining all the time and we feel that some more CA staff would help retain member interest and produce even more costumes! Not to mention even more official activities popping up in SoCal with the Paramount TV show.
What does forming a Battalion mean? You would function as a group within the Pacific Regiment. You would have your own subforum and possibly other social platforms to chat. You would have the ability to create a Battalion logo. Overall it would bring CA members closer or more socially active.
Who can form a Battalion? Last my memory serves, you need 5 deployed members to start it and one of those members needs to accept the role of Battalion Commanding Officer BCO. Luckily, you currently have several active deployed members that can create the group and you all would need to vote on one of them to become the BCO (if they accept).
The list of deployed (or soon to be deployed) members:
If you all are interested in forming a CA Battalion then I think we should proceed like we do with RCO elections, which is to say:
Anyone living in CA and a Pacific Member can nominate or second anyone from the above list. Anyone from the list can nominate or second themselves. If there are two people that are nominated and seconded then we will get Division involved on how to proceed with a proper vote. If only one person is nominated and seconded then we will proceed with applying for a CA Battalion.
I will ping some CA members so they know we are in talks
Badkitty CobaltEclipse jabsgreywarden1 Justin Ghazal RedSparrow RyFISH The Tiny Geek Thom A293 Yelsanick0117
Also, feel free to discuss or ask questions.
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