DragonCon 2023 Photoshoot @1:00PM EST SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 2ND

Photoshoot is open to all.

For the Parade, just please send Robert, Asgardianhammer a message if you are not a Full 405th Member yet (90 Days 50 posts) and then sign up in the corresponding thread.

We only get a limited number of Parade Wristbands that allow entry to the Parade, so a priority is placed on giving them to full 405th members first, but if we have extras, as we usually do, then we pass them out to others.
Thank you so much. I plan to attend the photoshoot and will reach out about the parade. (I mounted the 19th BN banner to a guidon pole for it, just in case)
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Asgardianhammer AKA Robert Letts will be your POC for this event.
After the parade head to the Peachtree Center food court and have some lunch and cool off. Afterwards head upstairs for the 405th Photoshoot which will begin at 1:00pm outside on the plaza courtyard.

Zero Serenity will be the Principal Photographer for the day. You can check out his work here and FB Zero Serenity.com Jeff Gm will also be joining us. I am excited to once again have Jeff and Zero paired up for us! The do a stellar job f making this group look amazing. Please listen carefully and pay attention as their time is valuable.
I will be there!
Badge ribbons arrived.


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Asgardianhammer AKA Robert Letts will be your POC for this event.
After the parade head to the Peachtree Center food court and have some lunch and cool off. Afterwards head upstairs for the 405th Photoshoot which will begin at 1:00pm outside on the plaza courtyard.

Zero Serenity will be the Principal Photographer for the day. You can check out his work here and FB Zero Serenity.com Jeff Gm will also be joining us. I am excited to once again have Jeff and Zero paired up for us! The do a stellar job f making this group look amazing. Please listen carefully and pay attention as their time is valuable.

You may remember ZeroSerenity from 2022 and 2021. He has been an invaluable help to our Organization for this event and the parade so please give him your full undivided attention. I am planning on this being a huge year for us!!!

Please remember to be courteous to those helping to organize events and interact with the public with Grace. Give the photographer your full attention as well so group shots can be handled expeditiously so there is plenty of time for individual shots.

After the event post whatever personal pics you get or find in this thread.

Please respond to this thread if you are attending the photoshoot so that we have an idea of how many will be present.
I’ll be there!
To everyone who attended the photoshoot let's give ZeroSerenity & Jeff Gm a huge shoutout. We had a massive crowd which I know had to cause some frustrations for our photo team. We had a few extra surprise photographers as well giving their two cents and all of this on top of a huge shoot group!!!!

Please be patient with these two as they will have a ton of stuff to go through and could take a few months. If you have photos or someone that was with you who took photos please post them here or to a link where members can retrieve shots of themselves.

Also I know one of you has a contact with that ODST honor guard group so please get me some contact info for them.

Thank you all for an amazing day with friends. I hope your experiences met your expectations...oh and if someone has handles or comes with anyone who is not signed up in this group such as Daisy please get them added and on our 405th fb page.
Thank you everyone. Especially Asgardianhammer and ZeroSerenity. You all make some of the best armors I ever seen as well as the group I have had the most fun shooting with ever since I've started photography. I'm glade to be a part of the group and I hope you all had a awesome weekend. I will keep you all updated on when the photos will be coming out.
Again thank you all for making Dragoncon a blast to be at every year.

To everyone who attended the photoshoot let's give ZeroSerenity & Jeff Gm a huge shoutout. We had a massive crowd which I know had to cause some frustrations for our photo team. We had a few extra surprise photographers as well giving their two cents and all of this on top of a huge shoot group!!!!

Please be patient with these two as they will have a ton of stuff to go through and could take a few months. If you have photos or someone that was with you who took photos please post them here or to a link where members can retrieve shots of themselves.

Also I know one of you has a contact with that ODST honor guard group so please get me some contact info for them.

Thank you all for an amazing day with friends. I hope your experiences met your expectations...oh and if someone has handles or comes with anyone who is not signed up in this group such as Daisy please get them added and on our 405th fb page.
Sending you Honor Guard Slater contact info via FB
Here is a link to my Google Drive for the photos my wife took of everyone. The photos are as-is and you are free to do with them as you please. The link will be taken down at the end of November so I can reclaim my storage, so get em while the gettin is good.

Thanks Asgardianhammer for organizing and ZeroSerenity & Jeff Gm for shooting the group :)

See y'all sometime in 2026 or 2027.
Here is a link to my Google Drive for the photos my wife took of everyone. The photos are as-is and you are free to do with them as you please. The link will be taken down at the end of November so I can reclaim my storage, so get em while the gettin is good.

Thanks Asgardianhammer for organizing and ZeroSerenity & Jeff Gm for shooting the group :)

See y'all sometime in 2026 or 2027.
Thank you so much. I appreciate the time you spent with us.
Here is a link to my Google Drive for the photos my wife took of everyone. The photos are as-is and you are free to do with them as you please. The link will be taken down at the end of November so I can reclaim my storage, so get em while the gettin is good.

Thanks Asgardianhammer for organizing and ZeroSerenity & Jeff Gm for shooting the group :)

See y'all sometime in 2026 or 2027.
Give your other half a huge hug from all of us! What great shots in that Drive!! I will be sure to archive the lot!

Y'all please credit futuristicfembot when posting.

Same goes for any other photographers. Give credit where it's due when you can!
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