Easter Cat Rescue!

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New Member
Well, it was a very-early-in-the-morning Easter cat rescue.

I was walking my girlfriend home after a night of Pokémon and trading, and we were just chatting about random things when we suddenly here a rather loud cat cry.

We stopped walking and listened to it, more intently. It sounded quite distressed or in trouble because the cry was almost a whine.

At first we thought it was stuck behind some construction equipment (which we were walking past at the time) but after some looking we discovered that the cries were coming from up a tree! (A classic scene in the making!)

So we rounded our way to the tree and indeed the cries of the cat grew louder as we got closer. We looked up and through the tree and we could hardly see the poor thing, as it was quite late at night/early in the morning.

Eventually we did found it, and to our concern it was almost half-way up the tree! With the help of the light from my DS on full blast we could see the light glinting off of the poor feline's eyes.

Almost feeling helpless we discussed about how we would get the thing down. We tried calling a local pet rescue service but they were closed for the night, and we nearly called the fire brigade! (Good thing we didn't 'cause I later found out we would be fined for it...)

So, with options dwindling, I tried to climb the tree and see if I could either coax the thing down, or bring it down myself. Turns out I did both.

I only climbed a little bit up the trunk of the tree when we saw that the cat had made it's way lower down. By the time it was just a few feet out've arms reach, I stretched out my arms to try and peckon it towards me. Eventually got lower and lower down the tree, close enough that it could touch my hand with its paw.

Eventually the cat made its way down close enough so I could lift up off of the tree and bring it down.

Me and my gf both cheered to ourselves as I held the rather shaken cat in my arms. After letting it go, we praised ourselves for doing a good deed :)

A whole hour was spent trying to coax the poor cat down from the tree! I'm glad we past it when we did, 'cause who knows how long it'd been up there in the first place?

So yeh, that's what happened very early on this morning. I feel quite happy that we helped the ginger (we assumed it was from it's pattern and little light we had form the street lights) cat down from a tree.

Good times were had by all :) And I feel good about myself for helping it.
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