Farewell 405th hello Air Force

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Active Member
Hey everyone it's been awhile. Just so you all know I'm not leaving the 405th, I'm just leaving for Air Force Basic Training. It's been a great 3 years and I've enjoyed every day of it :D but now I'm starting the next chapter of my life. I can't wait to come back and start making armor again :) I'm gonna miss you all and see you soon
- Trainee Rainer (soon to be Airmen First Class)
Let us know how it goes! I would be there myself, but the rules changed and an old injury prevents my service now. Go show the other branches how it's really done, Airman! :D
Props to you sir. Unfortunately, my eyesight is so bad that it precludes me from service.
Good luck! Thanks for your service! We wouldn't be a country without people like you willing to put their life on the line!
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