First build (H3:ODST)(Image heavy)

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Update 14 Feb:
Got some new epic materials, the core is gonna' be smooth as hell now! (Note: This hasn't been sanded at all yet)

More pieces finished ready to primer, chest and a few parts have their first coat.

Those are all turnin out pretty snazzy, shoulder piece in particular. Lookin forward to seein the finished core. It already looks pretty epic :)
Those are all turnin out pretty snazzy, shoulder piece in particular. Lookin forward to seein the finished core. It already looks pretty epic :)

Cheers man! I'm finishing up some pep now and we're putting in another 5 hours tomorrow, so the core -should- be done and ready to paint(minus small finishes), as well as the shoulder. The core's my baby so I'm not gonna' rest until that things perfect. XD
P.S. Digging the avatar. ;-)

Edit: Just another small piece done, this is the crotch (ish) plate, been an exhausting day working on this so couldn't handle much more than a 2 sheet pep. XD 2.45AM, bed time!

Fantastic work! Clean pep work man!

Thanks a lot man!

15th Feb: Just a minor update because we like to keep you guys in the loop! XD
The finish on the core is starting to look beaut! The big looking dents are from resin warping, they've always been like that but we've come to live with it since it's parts that will be covered! But I'm very happy with how the actual quality of the finish is coming along, still some nicks to be ironed out, though. Joe might upload some more work tonight on a piece he's been nursing all day. This is a bit of a trial and error phase material wise.

The chest piece sadly became a no go when the bondo on the front cracked .. time to make a new one i guess, first real fail of the build xD but we wont let it slow us down -Joe

The lighter patches you're seeing are just the primer on the bondo, it sprays a different colour to the putty.

17th feb: Well it's 6:30am and i've been working on this second leg piece since late last night, it should be done in a few hours, but I figured I'd post a few progress shots since I haven't taken any during the build yet to show the actual pepping. After this piece all I've got left is the helmet and the hip pieces, sweet!

Update - 18th Feb: Leg piece number two complete! Time for the helmet.. ;D

nice work dude.
i like the speed you pep all the modells... i just found the same peps and i start from beginning to built the same torso because the old models are not accurated enough.
Thanks Harican, I'm starting to build the helmet. :D Are you using Hugh's torso now?
Also, may I ask where you got the ODST SMG gun files? I think I'll build a low res gun if I have the time.
Sorry it's been a few days since our last update, I started a job this week so it's been a little hectic. I've been working on Hugh's epic jigsaw puzzle of a helmet today so here's what I've got (There's a few extra pieces done that don't have anywhere to go yet though XD) All temporarily held with clips atm. ½ price butterfly clips! I went insane and bought like 50! =p

Update - 22nd Feb:
A bit more work on the helmet, it's really start to take shape! I freakin' love this build!
Here's Joe donning the helmet, it's all still held together with clips.

Interesting take on the "jigsaw" helmet, I have never seen one of those before!

Yeah Hugh makes some awesome models, for the amount of detail in it this thing was so easy to put together because of the jigsaw approach!

@Road Kill: You're too kind man! thanks again for the praise. :)
Well the inevitable happened today, we went shopping for foam and I built a new core, yeahhh! ;D
Just needs finishing off!

Haha, I love how you built the new chest core in a day!

Great work on the helmet. Everything looks awesome. When you start gluing the helmet together, don't forget to put together the three large sections first (dome, front, back) it will make it easier to assemble!
Thanks Hugh! Yeah doing it like that seems the best way to go, I found the helmet really nice to build actually, not nearly as stressful as the original core. =p

The foam's so much better too, glad we decided to swap over! It was about 5 hours build time , people keep telling me I'm fast but I don't get it! I feel like i'm working at a normal pace. XD
the chest core in a day!!! 1 DAY!!!! it took me about 4 to make it!!! and you got it the correct size!! wow.
pure epic
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