First Finished Armors

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New Member
So before I posted a thread about making a Sexy Spartan. Well I did a rush job this summer and finished both sets of armors I was making. With the time constraints I had, I did much of all the detail work with black and silver sharpies. For the Sexy Spartan armor, I ended up slimming basic parts from the Mark VI LD files, ODST helmet, and combining LD Mark V back with a Recon chest. It ran a little short because my friend resides an hour away from where I was, so I couldn't actively size it. She was going to tint her visor blue but didn't have time before the convention.

Overall, not bad, I like the concept. I have to say that a lot more work could've gone into detailing that EOD helmet, but all the same, good work.
Thanks, I wish I could have. But it was hard to get everything done within 2 month period I had to make them.
All things considered (time of course being that low blow kick to the privates) very nice work. And you've got that other nice thing. Good or bad, you're done :p and got to go to a con dressed to the T
You should see my first EOD, its not exactly got every tiny detail either, but i will re-do it,

Were you going to make another one, or use your extra time to make better parts and upgrade it?
i really wanna know :D


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I ended up making new suits. Though because of time restraints I fixed up the old and modified them for my new suits...not completely right but for a quick fix it worked
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