First Reach build (technically) finished


I was able to finish my Reach spartan for Denver FanExpo this weekend, and I am mostly satisfied with it. I have been making daily changes to it, primarily to give myself better articulation. However, I'm going to completely scrap the torso and rebuild it from EVA foam, with better quality and detail than the current Pepakura one.
I was able to finish my Reach spartan for Denver FanExpo this weekend, and I am mostly satisfied with it. I have been making daily changes to it, primarily to give myself better articulation. However, I'm going to completely scrap the torso and rebuild it from EVA foam, with better quality and detail than the current Pepakura one. View attachment 333200View attachment 333201View attachment 333202
I saw some pics of your spartan on Instagram earlier, your build looks great! I haven't seen pepakura used in a long time. I didn't even notice pep was used for the chest until I read it. Are there other pepakura parts or is there a mix of foam and 3d prints in there? It all looks really uniform.
looks good, I also scrapped my first chest piece and made a new one, I've replaced most parts of my original suit with new pieces, it just kind of happens. yours looks good tho, cant wait to see how it evolves in the future.
I saw some pics of your spartan on Instagram earlier, your build looks great! I haven't seen pepakura used in a long time. I didn't even notice pep was used for the chest until I read it. Are there other pepakura parts or is there a mix of foam and 3d prints in there? It all looks really uniform.
Thank you! The helmet is also pep, but the entire rest of the build is EVA. I used the same painting techniques on all the parts so the texture and color look uniform
looks good, I also scrapped my first chest piece and made a new one, I've replaced most parts of my original suit with new pieces, it just kind of happens. yours looks good tho, cant wait to see how it evolves in the future.
Thank you. I’m also looking forward to seeing what else I improve on this
Bovo, Bovo awesome job i have never been a fan of that color but man it looks great on that armor great color pick. my hats off to you...
For a first build it looks amazing! I hope I can do just as well for my suit
Thank you. While it was my first Halo build, I’ve worked with EVA foam and Pep in the past.

While you’re building yours, expect to struggle a bit. Even on this suit, I rebuilt the forearms twice and the shoes thrice. Just have patience, and I’m certain your suit will be great
I was able to finish my Reach spartan for Denver FanExpo this weekend, and I am mostly satisfied with it. I have been making daily changes to it, primarily to give myself better articulation. However, I'm going to completely scrap the torso and rebuild it from EVA foam, with better quality and detail than the current Pepakura one. View attachment 333200View attachment 333201View attachment 333202
Really cool like the the color and the black background works for the armor. Nice Job !!!!
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