First Set Of Armor!

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New Member
Hey everyone! I'm really not much of a talker... typer, whatever, so I'll just post pics of my progress and maybe a comment about issues I'm having as I get them done, so far I've got most everything pepped, other than the right thigh, which ripped on its way to college, and I just finished putting fiberglass on the inside of the helmet, it's a Rogue helmet, but you already knew that. sorry for the bad photography, I used my gameboy's camera feature to take them.






and one of the inside:


The stringy things on the outside pics are just leftover pieces of fiberglass that stuck to my glove.
looks like a nice start, vary clean pep and glass. and welcome to the 405th.

Shade said:
Wow. Not bad. ;)

SavvyTank said:
looks like a nice start, vary clean pep and glass. and welcome to the 405th.


Wtfmfkr said:
Very clean job and for a gameboy camera that looks so much more detailed than I would've ever expected.

Gregnizzle said:
Very nice start ! !

Thanks eveyone, I spent a lot of time researching here and honing my pep skills on other things than armor, I thought that it might have been a good idea to use smaller things and really low res models to practice resining on, like a grenade or the halo 1 marine helmet. There are still a few weak spots on the this helmet though. would I be able to get rid of those with just a bit more fiberglassing, or should I just use the bondo instead. Like the "jowels" are still pretty flimsy, and I'm thinking of just using a plastic bag as a funnel and making those solid resin. how does that sound?


I literally just ran out of resin... I wonder if they sell it in buckets at the auto store... That would come in handy.

Oh and I'm in college so if there's a delay when it becomes time to bondo, it's because I'm waiting for my mom to send the dremel up in a care package.


... ehh, double edit... anyway, I have a question. Are there any parts of the armor that I will have to cut and hinge like a clamshell to make fit? Because I had an idea with a simple electro magnet that would be really cool for a fastener.
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