First stop on the road to ODST: the M7S SMG!

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I just got my first 3D printer about a month ago, an Ender 3 s1. I've spent that month learning how to use it and tweak things. I still have a ton to learn, but I now feel comfortable enough to begin my longtime dream project: my own ODST suit!

I've always loved the SMG ever since I was a kid, and the ODST version has always been my favorite. I got this model from Aguilar Workshop, and while everything initially printed beautifully I found that the gun was incredibly small in my average sized hands. I've since upscaled the model by about 25%, and after completing the main body I feel that this will fit in my hands much more comfortably.

I'll post updates as the pieces are completed! Only 19 hours left until the grips finish... *sob*



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First update!

The upscaled version is a huge improvement over the base model. Kinda hard to tell from the pictures, but the original feels like a knockoff toddler nerf gun while v2 feels like a proper SMG.

Next up is the stock rod and butt pad. Should hopefully be done by tomorrow, assuming no issues with the printer. I'm excited to see it in its nearly complete glory!


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First update in a few days!

I had a strange warping issue pop up that caused me to have to restart a few of the bigger pieces on the larger of the two SMGs. I believe it had something to do with adhesion, but I've since corrected the problem and tweaked a few slicer settings so that the replacement pieces will come out cleaner looking.

The attached pictures are of my first SMG that was printed at the original scale that the artist had it set to. While it turned out looking beautifully, it feels like a cap gun in my hands and I can barely fit my finger through the trigger guard. I can't imagine it would be possible at all once I get some gloves going.

v2 feels like a huge improvement. Having carried and fired a similarly sized modern firearm, the new one feels much more realistic. Unfortunately as I mentioned earlier, I will have to reprint the main body.

The aforementioned warping issues caused a nearly imperceptible bend in both the receiver body and the stock rod, which upon assembly caused the receiver to crack in two. I had already glued the grips on by this point, so those will have to be remade as well. I am hoping I can fix it so I can gift it to my little brother, but it remains to be seen whether or not it is salvageable.

All in all, this has been a huge learning experience for me and I'm loving every moment of it. I've also started minor work on the helmet files during printing time. At this rate, my goal of getting an ODST suit ready in time for CCEE 2023 might be attainable!

Hopefully I'll be back soon with more substantial progress!


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Aguilarworkshop makes some freaking awesome models. I've made a few myself including this smg. I recommend his Sidekick model too. One of the best I've seen yet.
Aguilarworkshop makes some freaking awesome models. I've made a few myself including this smg. I recommend his Sidekick model too. One of the best I've seen yet.
I bought a few models alongside this one, but this is the only one I've actually started printing. I also picked up his ODST helmet and the OG M60 shotgun. I had noticed the Sidekick in his store, but I kinda ignored it because I already have an M6D Magnum. Man, that Sidekick model is insanely detailed! I'll definitely have to pick it up when I have time and money in my budget
I bought a few models alongside this one, but this is the only one I've actually started printing. I also picked up his ODST helmet and the OG M60 shotgun. I had noticed the Sidekick in his store, but I kinda ignored it because I already have an M6D Magnum. Man, that Sidekick model is insanely detailed! I'll definitely have to pick it up when I have time and money in my budget
I don't have his ODST armor files, but I have been considering that as my next build. The M90 model is also really good. My only gripe is that the pump doesn't move.
Getting to the end!

I reprinted and replaced the main body parts that broke, and painted a few of the other parts that I had laying around while I waited. This is the result after they were all put together.

Unfortunately, I had a metric ton of snow dumped on me just after the big parts were finished so I might not be able to paint them for a while. Weather forecast doesn't show us warming up for a while.

I'm also not super happy with the way the laser sight keeps turning out. I'm getting a lot of blobs and excess that are difficult to clean up, and the little arms surrounding the reticle keep snapping off with the slightest application of pressure. I think that the issue is caused by horizontal layers/seams, so I'm gonna attempt to print it vertically and see if that makes it less fragile.

If anybody has experience dealing with cold weather spray painting, please send me your wisdom!


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My advice is wait for a warm day. I tried doing some spraying a couple weeks ago when it was like 50 and it did not work out. Had to strip and repaint. Paint likes warm weather to cure properly (at least rattle cans do).

I don't know what your living situation is. But I CAN get away with spraying inside when it's cold but I have a basement that I can close off from the rest of the house and I set up a big fan to blow the fumes out the door to the back porch. It still makes the house smell bad for a couple hours but in a pinch, it's doable. Also, whenever you use rattle cans you should wear a respirator just bc those fumes arent good for you even if you're outside. Not saying I always wear mine outside but you should. Also I def do when painting indoors.
My advice is wait for a warm day. I tried doing some spraying a couple weeks ago when it was like 50 and it did not work out. Had to strip and repaint. Paint likes warm weather to cure properly (at least rattle cans do).

I don't know what your living situation is. But I CAN get away with spraying inside when it's cold but I have a basement that I can close off from the rest of the house and I set up a big fan to blow the fumes out the door to the back porch. It still makes the house smell bad for a couple hours but in a pinch, it's doable. Also, whenever you use rattle cans you should wear a respirator just bc those fumes arent good for you even if you're outside. Not saying I always wear mine outside but you should. Also I def do when painting indoors.
The temp here the last few days has been around -6⁰C(21⁰F) and it doesn't look like it will be getting any better anytime soon. That having been said, the weather here is incredibly unpredictable so it could theoretically happen. I unfortunately live in a joined basement suite with no access to a garage, so doing it indoors is out. I'll have to see if I can borrow a friend's garage or something.

Super helpful info. Thanks!
I would look into making a spray booth. I made one with a storage container, bathroom exhaust fan, air filter, and a dryer vent. I just put the end of the exhaust vent into a window and I can spray indoors year-round.
Long time no update. Sorry guys!

The winter gods finally decided to smile upon me and give me a couple days of slightly above freezing temperatures. I jumped on the opportunity and got the unpainted pieces sprayed up, and I feel like I'm in the home stretch. It looks amazing!

I'm not quite finished with it yet though. I've gotta do some minor weathering and detail work, and then I've gotta glue down the sights. Still trying to decide whether or not I want to go looking for the mini flashlight the designer built the model around, or if I just wanna use the placeholder. Only time will tell.

In the downtime between painting sessions(brought to you by Canadian winter and the letter F), I started on a few more prop weapon projects, one of which you guys might like. I'll share more about it when I get all the pieces printed...


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