First time builder, HELP!

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Gray Silhouette

New Member
Hey, everyone!
Brand new member, but not new to pepakura/rondo/resin/etc, i've made one full suit of halo recon armor, and one halo 4 recruit helmet. Now, i'm trying something not halo related. Or gears of war related. Or related to anything you're probably thinking of.
No, I'm making something related to a game a few of you might have played...Dragonfable.
Haven't played it? Well, doesn't really matter.

Those of us that have played know about our great enemy, Sepulchure, right? And his simply badass armor?
Well, I want his helmet.

Notice how it doesn't line up with his eyes? Yeah, I'm gonna change that.

Now, there's a problem.
I have NO IDEA where to start this thing. Everything i've ever done was pepakura. I don't have the slightest clue where to begin this thing. Please?


  • Sepulchure.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 173
Although i am a newbie to this kind of stuff... I'm pretty sure if you want to build your own stuff you may want to learn 3d design. Get a program like google sketchup or if you have the money maya to build a 3d model of it.
I was definitely hoping someone that has done modeling before could help.
I don't even need a model,I just need to know how to even start working on this thing.
Well you could probably first off build a dragon head assuming that helmet is symmetrical on both sides. You could build the helmet from here and then add in the horns on both sides.

I'm thinking your best bet is foam. Unless you are going to create your own 3D models or find someone to help you make them, I don't think pepakura is going to be of any help.
I didn't plan on pepakura, I have plenty of eva and craft foam for this, i'm just not sure how to make it.
I'll look into the dragon head, I had the same idea earlier.

Thanks so far guys!
First thing I would do is draw. Draw out a rough sketch of Sepulchure from multiple angles so you really get an idea of what you're building. The when you know what you want start building some templates that you could trace onto foam. That's how i did the chest piece for my Goblin costume. Maybe you have your own technique but for me drawing the character really helps me visualize it. Kinda of like building a 3D model in your head.
Oh good god, I am terrible at drawing! I'll stick with the dragon skull and adding the horns. Only thing is how to scale it to my head? o_O

Will post progress on here!
I would walk around every 2nd hand shop and hardware store in your area. This is what I do before a build.
I use cardboard, its great and FREE! if things go wrong it did not cost you a buck!
Sorry for the lack of updates, i've been busy with other things.
The dragon skull in about 75% pepped. I'm thinking of pepping the iron helmet horns from skyrim for the side ones.
Scaling is going to be a nightmare -.-
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