Foam Mass Effect N7 Helmet (Pic Heavy)

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Jr Member
So my friend and I are really interested in the Mass Effects and with the third one coming out I thought it was time for us to make the N7 helmets, and that is exactly what we are doing. I've already started this project so i have a lot of pictures to start with and I currently out of sports due to tendonitis so i have time to work this weekend.
Here are the pictures. Tell me if something looks off or other tips on what I can do. I already know i need to bend the top and sand it down.


*Removed the bottom here, it got messed up.





You know what you should do? Bend the top and sand it down! XD JK, I have no idea what that means!
It looks great! Shepard has one of "those kind of helmets" that a guy would actually WANT to wear! And now YOU do too!
And hey! Your shirts on backwards! ;)
My shirts on backwards! How could this have happened? Lol Thanks for the kind words! As for an update I will have another later today. Right now I'm going to my friends house to start the second helmet and work on the first. Also we are planning on making omni tool XD getting pumped for Mass Effect 3!
Update: Put the pieces on from the photo above. I need to fill some cracks on the top but this is what i have right now.





Also just for fun, my friends and I are making a low budget horror movie.
Here is the concept for this monster guy in it.

This is just a light my mom got me.
Nice work so far man. My main advice as a fellow foamist is to buy as many blades as you can for as cheap as to can. Having fresh blades is how you keep your cuts perfect and clean. I bought a box of 100 blades and they are still going and been using them for both my Ironman and MK VI builds listed in my signature. I try to use fresh blades for curves and details and none fresh for straight lines of about 50mm plus. Also have a look through my Ironman foam build incase I have anything there that might help.

Keep up the good work and look forward to how you get on as looking good so far :)
Thanks for the advice and kind words drack.

An update I don't have today but i should have one for tomorrow or sometime soon. Today though, I ask a favor. I don't know if anyone knows the website I have entered a T-Shirt design into the site and would really appreciate it if you guys and gals could go and check it out and if you like it give it a thumbs up.
Many Thanks, HistoryFox.,BearFox
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