for sale area

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In order to have access to the classifieds, you need to be an infantryman. Right now, you're only a member. You've got enough time under your belt, but you need more quality posts. Become a little more active in the forums and you'll be an infantryman soon enough.
I think you need something like 100 posts (and not just "bump" or one-liners), plus having been am ember for a certain amount of time (I forget the exact quantity). You've been around nearly a year, but with only 17 posts, not a very active year. I was pretty much the same way for the first few months after I joined, but then I started joining in on discussions, giving answers and opinions on the "help" threads, and giving constructive criticisms, comments, or advise on build threads (I haven't built any armor yet, but I do have paint experience that I've been sharing). Find some builds that catch your eye or people working on similar projects to brainstorm with and talk about any problems they've run into that you should look out for, etc.. Once you start joining into the conversations more instead of just observing (which was my habit), you'll find the post count rising rather quickly.
I had no idea becoming an infantryman had these strict criteria. I feel quite honoured now! lol

seriously though mate, I thought for a long time about just buying stuff etc but building it yourself has its own satisfaction. Once you have the complete product, you can step away and be like 'yeah, I built this awesomeness for myself ***with the help of people from the 405th***'
I had no idea becoming an infantryman had these strict criteria. I feel quite honoured now! lol

seriously though mate, I thought for a long time about just buying stuff etc but building it yourself has its own satisfaction. Once you have the complete product, you can step away and be like 'yeah, I built this awesomeness for myself ***with the help of people from the 405th***'

its not that i dont want to build things myself. but i dont want to spend time making something if there cheap to buy and without being about to see the forsale area i dont no the prices.
never mind ill just crack on and strt posting, thank you all for the info.
What do you consider "cheap" to buy? I think you'll be able to build something yourself for far less than if you were to purchase it from someone else. That's part of the reason this hobby exists.
What do you consider "cheap" to buy? I think you'll be able to build something yourself for far less than if you were to purchase it from someone else. That's part of the reason this hobby exists.

I was thinking that myself. I hear foam is cheaper than the pep, fibreglass, bondo method. Whereas if you're buying from someone else you're also playing for their time and effort. But if you knuckle down I figure you could manage it in the same length or time, give or take some.

Foam isn't so hard to work with either. I've been doing some practice seams, working on something for another cosplay and (barring a glue burn) it's been easy enough. Also very fun, it's great putting time into something and seeing it come together.
What do you consider "cheap" to buy? I think you'll be able to build something yourself for far less than if you were to purchase it from someone else. That's part of the reason this hobby exists.
I agree totally. With the amount of labor that goes into making a suit of armor, I wouldn't be surprised if someone charged a significantly larger amount than what it cost to buy the material.
You have to remember, probably no one is going to sell something for as cheap as you want. If you do manage to find it, there is also no guarantee that it would fit properly and wouldn't require a lot of work to look right on you.
Reading through the threads, you can find the people that make some parts for sale. That's how I found some. Otherwise, just build it. The start-up cost may be a little up there, but it lasts a while, so overall cost isn't too bad.
Even with people trying to tell you to circumvent proper channels, you will find that what little there is for sale is meager at best. The classifieds are not the Walmart Super Center of Halo armor people seem to think it is. Halo armor is so big on customization and the armor tends to radically change from one game to the next, so there's not really a viable way to have a standard set. The 405th is a community of make it yourself people, and so it is unlike the 501st which is full of armor suppliers, in part because of the customization and in part because most of us don't have the time to design mass production parts. And honestly, it's going to be a lot cheaper to put together a pep or foam piece and take less time if you put your head to it. The 501st armorers take 2-6 months and a good $501 or more to send you a box full of poorly slapped together thin plastic parts, I've been fairly underwhelmed with them so far. The classifieds here are mostly filled with WTB and people selling ebay clutter (figures, games, etc) and barely any actual props. So while you may find a helmet or a gun, you're not going to find people selling full sets of armor for 100$ or something, no matter how much digging you do.
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