Forearm plate measure from wrist to elbow?

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Jr Member
Hey there everyone! I was thinkning of putting together a forearm plate and I was going to use the high-def model by NUGGET unfolded by RAL PARTHA and I was wondering: when re-scaling the forearm in particular, is the height from the wrist opening to the tip of the elbow piece? Should you add a little extra lenght because of the point going above your elbow, or does it not go past your elbow?

EDIT: I just downloaded and Checked and to me the default measurements seem massive! they measure: Height: 330 Width: 177 Depth: 149 and I assume these measurements are the two farthest points apart If you were to make a box around the shape but even so, it seems like it would be way to big, so what do you guys scale yours at?
The way I would scale it would be to take the measurement from your wrist to the end of your elbow when bent at a ninety degree angle. It will seem huge when u pep it but it will be scaled right.
Cool, thank you very much! so what your saying is that the end of your elbow should be roughly in the same position as the enpoint of the plate?
Pretty much. You don't have to be exact, as I have learned that maybe a little less would look better too. I started on my mk vi forearm and it looks great so far but there's gonna be a lot of padding inside.
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