Forearm size

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Well-Known Member
Yea I'm 6'1 and I'm making the halo armor. When I come upon the forearm design by JediFraz, when I make it, it is somewhat bigger than I had expected. The wrist is fine, just the back part near the elbow I have somewhat of a large space. Now I read some stickies and threads, and it seems it is suppose to be bigger, but not too much. Here are some photos for you guys to see.




Please comment on this and give advice if you have any. I'm a beginner.
That looks a bit too big... you should scale it down a bit it looks too long...
But yes, there is supposed to be an empty space there... It's because master chief is a super soldier with huge muscles and strength.


ps. could you please get pics from further away, and how it sits on your arm (so that we cn see your whole wrist)
It's difficult to see from those pics.
The scaling is not exactly the same with the arms and the legs because MC got big arms :p

Check Robogenisis' thread, I think it is explained how to scale the forearms.
Aight thanks. The reason why the pics are so up close is because I'm taking them with one arm and the other holding the armor. But thanks again though.

ps. could you please get pics from further away, and how it sits on your arm (so that we cn see your whole wrist)
It's difficult to see from those pics.

My wrist goes past the armor, its the perfect length, but I will try to post up a pic for you.

Oh here are some pics of my right forearm build. This time I scaled this 25.40260465 instead of the usual 26.10823256.



See if this is any better.
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richiedude said:
dont forget to remember that you are going to pad it out after resin if it small padding will make it tight

Well, I'm not gonna do the resin, I have no skill in it, and its somewhat toxic, which my parents are somewhat hesistate to approve. I'm going to do the hot-glue gun method by frost, I believe. Oh, also, what do you use for the padding inside the armor. That has always confused me. My friend suggested plastic tubing for support, which I am questioning.
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That seems to be fine. It's about the same with me. All I count is length for the arms, since MC's are so massive. When you bend your arm, your elbow should just be able to slip under that pointy end part.
The lenght is fine... it is slightly too long, but there is no point re-doing since you got this far.
This might cost you some movability tough...

Finnish_Spartan said:
The lenght is fine... it is slightly too long, but there is no point re-doing since you got this far.
This might cost you some movability tough...


Should I cut some off from the wrist? I can probably later tighten it with some scraps of paper and make it look the it was one piece.

Yo Finnish

I actually could remake it again, because I've been doin that for a while.
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Oh my, 3 Double post's and some not so great pictures. Doesn't look good.

Please refrain from double posting by simply editing your most recent post, not making a new one.

Doom said:
Oh my, 3 Double post's and some not so great pictures. Doesn't look good.

Please refrain from double posting by simply editing your most recent post, not making a new one.


I'm sry its just that I'm kinda new to this. I feel like im doing another double post arent I? Aight, so when u say edit ur most recent post, u mean like add whatever you have to say into one post, not have more than one right?
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Yea I have a hard time bending my arm because the upper part of the forearm is very wide.

EDIT: If you make the forearm out of cardstock, and you have a hard time bending your arm, like only being able to bend arm till about a little over 90 degree angle, is that normal? Or is it too big?
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