FOTUS foam scratch build

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Well, this year I decided to really get into making some foam armor. Last year I made a Halo Reach Spartan III chest, this year I want to make FOTUS from H4.
Here is my start:



I haven't ever scratch built anything with foam, and I am using 1/2 inch foam instead of 1/4 inch foam ( I can't find any)
Next will be sealing with plastidip, or I may make the Rogue Shoulders, I dunno.
I think the Fotus shoulders look dumb lol.
I'm looking forward to seeing this finished, First fotus armour I think? Best of luck, You're off to a good start,

And cool dog. :p
Thanks for the support. I feel like they should look better, but I am not that great at free handing this stuff. I am plastidipping the gauntlets today because it is going up to around 70 today.... good ol' AL weather..... off topic....yesterday morning it was in the low 30's to 35, today it's going up to 65-70.....
Thanks again and I will keep you posted. PS, here is the Halo Reach chest I made last year. It got plastidipped and I stopped working on it....
New progress. I have plastidipped the gauntlets, but havent photographed them yet because of this work.
The weather in your area sounds like the average day for the Michigander.... in our swimming pool in the morning, snowing by lunchtime, then rain by night.
It gets like that a lot here. Yesterday there was a small snow flurry, not for very long, but it was only like 40 or so. Then it was just gone.
that shoulder looks b****'n man! i love the colorfulness of a foamies build!

I like to make it all different colors just for picture taking's sake before the plastidip step. It's a lot easier to see the detail and how it looks if it's all nice and colorful :)
I no longer know if I am going to keep working towards Fotus or make an armor set from Fireteam Majestic. A buddy of mine wants to go as Thorne and I was pitching the idea to make Fireteam Majestic. So I may be on hold for this particular project, but it'll turn into something.
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