Agent Washington — First Build !!

Yellow is the absolute worst for coverage. I don't know if a white underlayer would help or hurt (or if you even have time for it!) but it might be worth a test swatch?

Good luck! I hope you get it all done in time!
I wondered the same about the white (while spraying a yellow coat for the fourth time). Hopefully I won’t have to repaint this suit, but will definitely be keeping that one in mind for future projects !!
And thank you so much, I appreciate that!!
I had a similar experience trying to paint red over black. I was up to four coats and getting more and more frustrated, so I did a white underlayer and it worked much better after that. But I've never tested it with yellow before. I just know (from painting my nails, lol) that yellow is notoriously hard to get consistent coverage!
It’s everybody’s favorite time of the day, update time !!!

After spending basically the whole weekend taking photos at car shows, drift events, and solar eclipse parties (aka frying camera sensors), we grinded today to make up for lost time.
The yellow pieces are finally dry, so those got masking taped off. Luckily I had help from Cheech (pictured), don’t think I could’ve done it that fast without her. Those pieces got their two coats of silver and are drying. I started weathering the silver only pieces with slightly lighter silver acrylic paint. I’m finding this part of the process to be oddly satisfying. They’ll get a black wash tomorrow as well before they get a matte clear coat!
Con crunch is real and my sanity is slowly losing the chat.


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It IS my favourite time of the day! I am living vicariously through other peoples' builds because I can't start mine until I'm done some renos. :p

I'm glad Cheech was more helpful with this step than with the strapping. ;)
The build seems to be going very well! I'm loving the few RVB builds that seem to be being made at the moment!
What prop do you have for the suit, Wash's signature BR perhaps?
The build seems to be going very well! I'm loving the few RVB builds that seem to be being made at the moment!
What prop do you have for the suit, Wash's signature BR perhaps?
Unfortunately I have no props made yet save for one little dagger, so that’s awkward lol! I do have a spot saved on the inside of the thigh to have a magnet for a handgun though. Will have to add some things to the “build next” list !!
Holy smokes, it is so crazy seeing all of this together

Rigging is officially done! Everything fits amazing except the torso that I’m most definitely NOT rebuilding lol. It’s just so wide and my arms have very little mobility. I can put on and take off the helmet though, so we’re rolling with it. Tomorrow I’ll prep for paint so we can get going on that this weekend!! We’ll paint outside, hang dry in the garage with a heater, and cross our fingers.
Short King Agent Washington coming soon to a con near you !!
That's looking awesome so far. My torso is oversized on purpose to make me look more like the in-game model, so I am also limited mobility. Its worth the tradeoff IMO

Unfortunately I have no props made yet save for one little dagger, so that’s awkward lol! I do have a spot saved on the inside of the thigh to have a magnet for a handgun though. Will have to add some things to the “build next” list !!
You could always order the Nerf Needler. I'm thinking of grabbing one myself and spraying the panels with that duplicolor color shift purple/blue spray paint
With one (1) day to spare before the con, it is DONE!! I put in the overtime yesterday and did ALL of the weathering, dark washing, and clear coating. This morning I felt like a kid getting up early for presents on christmas, I was so excited to untape all the rigging and put it on!

I seriously am beyond proud of this build. I’m very great at starting things and not finishing them, but darn it, we got er done. This was my first time ever building with foam and it took just over two months. Tons of frustrating moments and things learned the hard way, but holy smokes was the pay off worth it. After the three day con this weekend, I’ll be sleeping for a week for sure. Then.. planning the next project probably lol.

Anyway!! Please enjoy the pics featuring Cheech in the back pocket along with a “casual” fit.


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Wooooo I'm so excited that you got it done! I hope you have a fantastic time wearing it this weekend and I hope to see more pics!

I love the pic of with Cheech, OMG. It's such a great addition.

Also, those boots, wow!
Wooooo I'm so excited that you got it done! I hope you have a fantastic time wearing it this weekend and I hope to see more pics!

I love the pic of with Cheech, OMG. It's such a great addition.

Also, those boots, wow!
Thank you so much, seriously !! Will definitely post con pics after this weekend. I know a few other halo folks will be there, so hoping I can find em!
Cheech appreciates the compliment lol. So glad I put it on there, it’s so subtle but so on brand for Wash to do something like that hahah
And the demonias lmao !!! Taking me to a huge height of… 5’8. Washington gives short guy energy, right?
Mini update time!

Progress has been a little slow going since the weather has been horrendous. If it’s not cold out, then it’s so windy the paint doesn’t make it to the armor lol (the thighs pictured immediately blew across the driveway, don’t know why we thought empty boxes was a good idea). Anyway! This is definitely a learning process hahaha. Shoutout to Padre for helping me paint and frying his braincells away with me (wear your respirators, folks).

Currently though; the belt, boots, torso, and gloves are done! Yay!! The yellow is done on the thighs and shins, both forearms need another couple coats. The yellow is going on horrendously, but I’m reminding myself that no one is looking that close. I went to masking tape off the yellow after they dried for quite a few hours, huge error on my part and had to redo that piece as it took the paint off with it. I guess we’ll try again tomorrow evening and cross our fingers. Con crunch is real, people!! Will I be driving to the con with parts drying in the bed of my truck? Possibly !!!
Yep Concrunch is so real lol. If your still have trouble get it sprayed due to weather, go figure d your color in house paint and brush it on. You'll get it done in time.
AWESOME JOB MAN!! Washington is one of my favourite characters! So happy to see him brought to life! You've done a great job- especially for your first build!
Con pics and update time !!

First of all, wow. Going to a con in a simple cosplay compared to going to a con in a full suit of armor… completely different experiences. I got stopped for pics so often, got screamed at because people were so excited to see RvB, and got to talk to so many other cosplayers. It was seriously awesome.

Anyway!! I also wanted to share how the suit held up and how comfy mumfy it was. I was genuinely surprised in both of those areas. Friday I walked around as “casual Wash,” my handplate did leave the chat after a handful of hours, but I went home and was more generous with the contact cement. It was solid all day Saturday! The only thing that fell apart on Saturday was the bottom portion of my velcro that holds my thighs up, but I had the whole length of the section be velcro.. so it stayed put because there was still like five inches attached. Shoutout past Antro for being big brain.
Comfort assessment was shockingly solid. I could walk around along with sit and lean back comfortably. I was worried about the helmet since it’s 3 pounds of resin and had no fans. I think the only time my visor fogged was when I was in a very congested area, so it was super hot in that spot. Other than that, I had literally no issues!
I am thinking of getting a voice amplifier and talked to a Mando about his set up as I was basically mute. Not a huge issue (I kinda didn’t hate it lol) and would just take it off to chit chat if people asked questions about it. Ended up being suited up for six hours, was at a very congested convention, and didn’t get sweaty. Go team! It’s the little things, but I know you guys would appreciate that.

I had an awesome weekend and am excited for the next one!! Next on the list… build a handgun and find some different poses, good grief!


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Yesss I was waiting for the con update! I'm glad to hear it went well and that there were minimal issues with things falling apart (I have had a piece fall off of a costume on the walk into the building, lol - thankfully there was a cosplay repair room there!). The pics are great. It looks like you had loads of fun! :)
With one (1) day to spare before the con, it is DONE!! I put in the overtime yesterday and did ALL of the weathering, dark washing, and clear coating. This morning I felt like a kid getting up early for presents on christmas, I was so excited to untape all the rigging and put it on!

I seriously am beyond proud of this build. I’m very great at starting things and not finishing them, but darn it, we got er done. This was my first time ever building with foam and it took just over two months. Tons of frustrating moments and things learned the hard way, but holy smokes was the pay off worth it. After the three day con this weekend, I’ll be sleeping for a week for sure. Then.. planning the next project probably lol.

Anyway!! Please enjoy the pics featuring Cheech in the back pocket along with a “casual” fit.
There aren't enough words to express how impressive your kit is!! I've been a fan of red vs blue for the longest time and seeing a cosplay of it within the community makes me so happy, Your work is phenomenal and I can't wait to see more of your stuff!
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