GaiaOnline Halo Profile (must see)

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After spending 3 hours messing around on at Gaia, I threw together a profile that looks like the halo-bleach-naruto-obsessed-fan-from-God-knows-where profile. It does look pretty cool, I don't really know if it's the best ever, but... Just look at it. See what you think:

EDIT: Now I'm realizing all icon profiles suck. I need photobucket! Gah!!! And I'm broke! Oh and now I'm in love with FMA too!
EDIT 2: I should take out the must see part in the title because it is a LIE.
It's very nice! :mrgreen:

May I have your permission to use the last picture you have on your profile of the master chief dual wielding the swords as my signature?
man that would make a cool signature, now i wanna use it! lol, seriously though.

nice site, so a naruto fan? me too, just finished watching episode 24 of the shippuuden chronicles
RukiaKuchiki117 said:
wow...thanks guys.

By the way, darkesword, go to & type in 'master chief sword' in the search bar. There should be only 2 images, one is the sig picture.Click on it to use the image code at the very bottom.

I'm assuming I have your permission to use it?

Thanks if I'm right!
Looks great! ;-)
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fred fredburger fred fredburger

yeah, you do. And feel free to pm me on gaia if you or anyone signs up. I'm saving gold to get a name change right now. What kind of halo themed name can i use...any ideas?
RukiaKuchiki117 said:
yeah, you do. And feel free to pm me on gaia if you or anyone signs up. I'm saving gold to get a name change right now. What kind of halo themed name can i use...any ideas?

Well seeing as your a girl. You'd want a stylish name then?

How about


Just a few from the top of my head ;-)
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RukiaKuchiki117 said:
what the hell!? moved where!?

Oh and akatsuki pizza copyright my friend.

look up naruto breakfast on photobucket you'll see a lot more
she never sde the pic... but the breakfast one is awesome i faved it on deviant edit: omnomnom! classic zetsu XD
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Finally added a banner from the 405th onto there. :D *looks guilty* I know should have done that a long time ago, but... I'M TOO BUSY ON HALO 3 TO FIX MY GAIA ;)
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