Gencon Indy 2012

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New Member
I run the group that does the Jail N Bail for Gencon in Indy every year. There were some issues among my members so I put the group on hiatus until the issues can be worked out. The reason for this post is that Gencon still would like to have the jail as charity event since we have made it basically a tradition. They are still holding on to our jail minus the hardware the puts it together. I am trying to see if anyone from the 405th might like to help with the Jail this year. Gencon offers a pretty decent deal for what we do.

Here is what I normally try to have:
Max of 16 people
All with some form of costume
Work the same hours as the dealer’s room.
You will not work all day (if we have enough people)

All 4 days paid
Two hotel rooms paid
Only one car per room with free valet parking
It is for charity!

16 people in two rooms
Find your own parking for those not lucky enough to get the free valet.
On your own for food

I know some of you like to go to certain events and with enough people scheduling around them should not be difficult.

So do any members of the 405th want to work the Jail N' Bail?
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