Glazing - Bondo

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New Member
I'm done fiberglassing + resining. I'm ready to bondo/glaze depending on the following if someone could help me.

1. Should I spray the helmet with something before I start bondo/glazing?
2. With Bondo, do I need to put down a layer of something for it to stick to the helmet? If so, what?
3. With Glaze, do I need to put down a layer of somethinf for it to stick to the helmet? If so, what?
4. When done glazing/bondo, what layers should I use for paint? (Primer? Paint? What?)


- bLiNdz0r
bLiNdz0r said:
I'm done fiberglassing + resining. I'm ready to bondo/glaze depending on the following if someone could help me.

1. Should I spray the helmet with something before I start bondo/glazing?
2. With Bondo, do I need to put down a layer of something for it to stick to the helmet? If so, what?
3. With Glaze, do I need to put down a layer of somethinf for it to stick to the helmet? If so, what?
4. When done glazing/bondo, what layers should I use for paint? (Primer? Paint? What?)


- bLiNdz0r
The bondo and glaze will stick to the dry resin. People say before you bondo/glaze it, spray it with primer to you can get an idea of where the bondo/glaze needs to go. After you bondo/glaze sand it real good, put a base layer of paint on it. Then put a second coat of paint. Then even a third if you want. But then you want to start doing details such as the worn look (silver paint) and that stuff. Good Luck!
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Thanks a lot. Looks like I'm going to try glazing, as I'm not going to settle for anything less than perfection.
You can achieve the same look as I did with Bondo putty rather than glaze... I just prefer glaze.... also, if your resin is very smooth on the surface, it will need to be sanded... Putty and Glaze only likes to stick to dry, clean, rough surfaces... run a bit of 80 grit sand paper over the surface and you should get good surface adhesion. Primer was used in my application, so that I could better see where I needed to work... it adds contrast to the helm, making things easier to see (for me), but its not neccessary to achieve a good surface bond with the putty/glaze...
Alright. I think I'm going to just use bondo then, although I'm going to run another resin coat outside and sand it down first. Thanks.
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