Halo 3 Epsilon: New Halo 3 game test

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Sean Bradley

Sr Member
Theres a new Halo 3 Game test going on:

An anonymous tipster sent the folks at Xbox-scene.com an email that was sent out to all the Halo 3 beta testers concerning Epsilon.

Congratulations on being selected to participate in the Halo 3 Epsilon! The Epsilon is now available for download on Marketplace!
First, unlike the Alpha, Beta or Delta, this is a very special test in that not only will you be testing nearly final Halo 3 Matchmaking, you will also be able to:
* Play Multiplayer on six maps: Snowbound, High Ground, Valhalla, Last Resort, Epitaph and our new big map, Sandtrap.
* Play Custom Games and test out full game variant editing.
* Play with the Forge and be able to cooperatively edit and save multiplayer map variants.
* Play up to 4 person co-op on a single Campaign level.
* Play and test the full Saved Film functionality, including screenshots you can view in-game for Campaign, Multiplayer and Forge.

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Sean Bradley said:
I think it's just for the internal Beta testers.. not Crackdown owners.


Aww, you mean, I can't play more beta..... :$ops:

Oh well....life goes on.
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i played it my uncle works for bungie. but he wont let me play the single player only multiplayer and forge. Forge is awesome once you press the ___ button you get this menu with all the objects.
Leadingspartan said:
i played it my uncle works for bungie. but he wont let me play the single player only multiplayer and forge. Forge is awesome once you press the ___ button you get this menu with all the objects.

Really? Why haven't you mentioned this before now?

We could use someone on the inside for getting the 405th approved. Maybe you can ask your uncle for us? Maybe he could get us all Bungie shirts and take us on a tour of their offices? Wow, you sure are one lucky kid! *emulates*

Just kidding, I don't believe you at all without seeing proof! :mrgreen:

No offense, but everybodys heard the 'My cousin/uncle/distant relative did this and that' stories..

Could you prove this?
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Leadingspartan said:
lol i was jking but i can find someone at bungie who approves for you. im good at that stuff.

edit: OMG i sent frankie pm and he said

"I will try to ask the other members of bungie about this ill give it a chance."

Like Sean said, prove it.

Leadingspartan said:
lol i was jking but i can find someone at bungie who approves for you. im good at that stuff.

edit: OMG i sent frankie pm and he said

"I will try to ask the other members of bungie about this ill give it a chance."

So you were joking? I would have expected to see one of these: ;-) :mrgreen: :roll:

Please don't contact Bungie on our behalf. Link is clearly in charge of doing that for the 405th. He has a good reputation with them, and is the designated representative for doing such.

We shouldn't be bugging them with multiple requests from different members..
aww man i was gona upload a screen capture but here it is anyway.
Sean Bradley said:

Please don't contact Bungie on our behalf. Link is clearly in charge of doing that for the 405th.

i was kidding i did that in paint because i dont have photoshop lol look at his name its suppose to not be blue lol.
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Leadingspartan said:
i was kidding i did that in paint because i dont have photoshop lol look at his name its suppose to not be blue lol.

Well, you did leave Paint open... I could see it at the bottom of your screenshot. :duh:

Back on topic, and no more lying in the threads LeadingSpartan. It is a waste of everyones time, and getting you closer and closer to getting yourself banned.
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Sean Bradley said:
Spelling error. I'm sure Adam will fix it.

Please no more off topic posts in this thread. :please:

No problem Sean ;-)

So, is this a final test more or less?
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