Were did the halo fan film go? Last I heard you were gonna start filming it but I haven't read anything more about it? maybe I missed something can any one fill me in please?
Do you mean the one by Chewdog? I believe he's taking a break right now, I haven't talked to him in a while. Hopefully he'll have updates soon. But you can look forward to two other fan films: The one by myself and Eternal is working on a mini series. I can't procrastinate on mine, so you WILL see it around early December.
Do you mean the one by Chewdog? I believe he's taking a break right now, I haven't talked to him in a while. Hopefully he'll have updates soon. But you can look forward to two other fan films: The one by myself and Eternal is working on a mini series. I can't procrastinate on mine, so you WILL see it around early December.
I hope to have my first episode posted around the end of october/ beginning of November, I would love to have the launch on Haloween, but that might be allitle too soon, it all depends on what i can get filmed and how much time it takes to edit.
I really hope that Chewie gets his movie competed.. even if it is later than he first suggested. It's still a VERY worthy project, and could turn Halo fandom on it's ear.
Haven't heard from him on ANYTHING movie related for quite a bit..
Some information would grind speculation to a halt... even now I think most of us fear the worst.