Halo Reach Boots

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I've got both boots pepped and resined but I'm running into the issue of the top being solid and the bottom being completely open. Do I have to cut them up and sacrifice a pair of shoes in order to make them wearable?
I know some people have made the entire boot out of foam, they took foam and made the bottom portion to fill in. I personally took a pair of work boots I no longer use and attached my pieces.
I know some people have made the entire boot out of foam, they took foam and made the bottom portion to fill in. I personally took a pair of work boots I no longer use and attached my pieces.

I'm using fiberglass so I'm probably better off sacrificing a pair of shoes for the cause?
With the method you are using, MOST people use an actual pair of shoes, otherwise there is really no other way to wear them. :p This is also why it's important to measure the shoe you plan on wearing when you scale the boots so that the pieces fit over your shoe. Kind of like a boot cover. :)
I use mine like a boot cover, I also use black construction boots. There are photos with reference on my Reach Reach thread.
I bought cheap sports shoes for my Spartan boots. Even found pretty model in black. xD
I permanently attached the bondo'd parts to the shoes - I've seen some people doing some straps on the parts to be able to remove them, but I'd rather have them permanently attached, less stress IMO.
Even with foam, I sacrifice a pair for the cause. Now said pair came from goodwill... But most people have a dedicated pair of boots/shoes for their costumes either way.
Agreed, sacrifice GOOD FITTING shoes.
Be sure you'll walk in them for a day without any problems because if they don't, walking along with them is not a pleasant experience. I guess it depends on what you're looking for or what you find important, but "comfort" while wearing this suit was my main goal.

I come from a foam design so there's no real relationship to your situation, but here's my input on this :

Due to my (bad) boot design, it turned out it's nearly impossible for me to simply slide in my foot while the shoe is already inside the foam boot cover (bad design by me). I ended up NOT using dedicated shoes in the end for this armor because by not fixating the boots to my shoe, I had all the liberty in terms of footwear.

I simply attached the foam cover to the shoe with a type of fabric-like elastic band used in pants and whatever. Because my shoes have a pretty rough profile underneath, the bands themselves never touch the ground I'm walking so even after a day, they still looked brand new. But I did a test with that material prior to using it but strapping this stuff around my shoes and walking a day with that in "tensioned condition" like it would be tensioned to keep the bootcover in place : that stuff turned out to be much, much more sturdy than I had expected and it survived a full day of walking through mud/dirt and on hard concrete surfaces with any trace of damage.

I'm experimenting with a fiber design right now, and that will undoubtably be one of the things I'll make better.
I'll be using tennis/sport shoes instead of real boots to avoid problems with my feet at the end of the day, of that I'm pretty sure.
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