Halo Weapons

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Jr Member
What are your guys' (and gals) favorite weapons from the Halo series?

I hate to say it, being a pro human type of guy who hates the covenant... But human weapons seemed pretty weak in Halo 3 compared to covenant ones. Energy Sword, Grav Hammer... The carbine... Not to mention all of their turrets you can take...

I do like human vehicles better though, Sheila rocks.
first off, who is sheila? i've got an aunt called sheila. second thing, i loooooooveeeee the shotgun. any version
helios said:
first off, who is sheila? i've got an aunt called sheila. second thing, i loooooooveeeee the shotgun. any version
sheila is the tank on red vs blue. also my favorite weapon is probaly also the shotgun
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Plasma Grenades, Spike Grenades and Frag

(that's what I have the majority of kills with, I'm insane with nades)
Sarge Christi said:
Plasma Grenades, Spike Grenades and Frag

(that's what I have the majority of kills with, I'm insane with nades)

Don't you Love the Post Game Reports with Nades as your Weapon? (BTW I Get it a lot for Plasma Nades kills... Double sticks at times... one right after another...)

Spike Nade or Plasma... I love the stick factor... over any other kill besides... Propane tanks... but to understand taht... I made a map with lots of Propane tanks... that fly... and I made the turret on high ground active...lol let me tell you...
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MaShEdPOTaToEs said:
how come no one likes the halo3 sniper?:(
because they're rubbish w/ the one in H1/3 because there a glitch in halo 2 where you don actually have to aim at someones head to kill them
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