Have to do a Project/Essay for school...

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Well-Known Member
I have to write a paper that's atleast 500 words... I chose the American Justice System which I thought would be easier then the other...

My teacher made use write "contracts" of what we were doing... So now I can't change my topic... *Blam*... :'(

*Edited by MODs for language 10/7/07, first warning
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I have to write a 900 word paper about what its like to be in a Russian prison camp. lol

the american justice system wouldnt be that hard to write about, just pick part of it and go
if you can help me find any bit of information to get me started would be greatly appreciated...
Kinda... Dang I wish I could find like a timeline thing... :'(

How it was developed or something... :\
Excelent... :p... I'm supposed to only have 1 online source and 2 other sources... I'm gonna use my us history book as one... :p
What else is there like... What does the American Justice System classify as... :\... Courts? Criminal Justice?
Yeah criminal justice, civil rights, there seemed to be alot of african american civil rights stuff that popped up too.
is it also the American Legal System?

Freaking English teacher is a B****... She said she doesn't want to give us too much homework for homecoming week and then she give us this project... We also gotta present it... :'(... I'm not good at presenting... I should wear my suit and hide while presenting... :p
I think it would be, The Legal System deals alot with the supreme courts and constitutional law, lawsuits, and the like. Im no expert though! :lol:

This is for english? That sucks. I kinda like presentin in front of class, guess my experience as an actor helps that! haha! Yeah u should wear your suit while doing it! :lol:
haha I dont have to worry about school for another week, Iam on fall break!

I should be working on my elite armor but iam playing oblivion instead. :oops:
Elite-B17 said:
haha I dont have to worry about school for another week, Iam on fall break!

I should be working on my elite armor but iam playing oblivion instead. :oops:

Lucky... Where should I start off?
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