Having Issues With Pepping.. Need Some Tips

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New Member
So I made a low detail mark v helmet as my first attempt at using pep but it came out quite lopsided and well... bad. I just assumed that it was mostly due the me using super glue (dried too fast) and rushing it (finished in one sitting). So for my second attempt I tried the SMG (BR looked too complicated) and I used elmers glue instead of super which made it much more managable. It seemed to be going OK until I had it like 90% done as I started putting all the separate glued pieces together it was still lopsided and some of the tabs werent lining up, this despite all the ones I had glued previously being aligned quite well. Me being easily pissed resulted in hours worth of work being turned into a pile of twisted card stock with my Xacto jutting out of the middle... So should I try starting on one side and working my way to the other, or maybe take care of all the small tabs first? Most of my trouble seem to be with the small tabs when i cant quite get my fingers or tweezers in there. Any tips and insight into your methodology would be much appreciated.
Most of the times i've come across with tabs not lining up was that my folds were crap, or that when you fold them, you loose a bit of length so your stuck with having to modify the paper or just live with a gap in your pep. Idk if this is much help but it's just what i rekon from my experience. :) some pictures of your stuff would be cool to see how your going or to see the damage?
first off i would start with something easy like a handplate
personally i use a ruler and pen to mark the folds then i cut the peices and fold
word of advise dont glue the peices so that u have say 5 chunks just start on one section only glueing the peices to that piece will make your life alot easyer that way

And i would suggest making HD parts save you time in the long run
and take your time on the work will be alot better that waay
My HD MRK V has taken me nearly 2months on and off work

but good luck mate and good to know theres another member making a MRK V bucket
i agree with advent spartan, you should always score your fold lines with a ruler and pen, and also, dont use "elmers" or super glue...use a hot glue gun! makes life eaier, plus if tabs dont line up, you can just re melt the glue with a lighter or something and re align.

and dont wory about a bent gun, my assualt rifle is a little bent!
To score the folds I just lightly run the blade of my xacto over the fold lines, seems to work pretty well so I don't think that my folds not being crisp enough is the issue.

Here's my first attempt, didnt even bother making the visor...
The remnants of my SMG, you can still make out part of the magazine and the bolt (which I've decided to keep as a reminder of my failing).

I would have posted the images instead of links but apparently I can't post a dynamic page (wtf is that?) within the
I've always used thicker urethane reinforced shock proof super glue. Gives you a 30 second work time window. What I do is start at one edge and glue tab by tab one at a time. It'll take a bit longer but you'll be able to get a perfect alignment on each tab. Also, go in a logical progression (working from one end of the piece to the other) it'll save you a heap of trouble when you go about making armor as it will cut down on the warp factor.

For gun files it helps to cut down on warping and bending if you hot glue or superglue in support struts (chopsticks, toothpicks, etc.) lengthwise/widthwise along the major and minor axises of the part. This also helps with the underside of the brim of the MKVI Helm and shin armor. You may want to use hot glue when putting these in armor parts as you may want to remove the struts (especially on the interiors of the shins) after you are done getting the first few coats of resin on the outside.
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