Hello! Im *technically* new and wanted to show off my current ODST project!

Okay it's been a hot second since I updated b/c my job do be jobbin but I found some time to touch up my already painted left gauntlet and then start work on my right. So the main diff on the left is I added in grey camo which was my original idea before I just slapped yellow on there, and then the right gauntlet is all camo. They're still way far off from being finished because for the most part this is basically a base layer but it is getting very close to completion. I'll try to update sometime this weekend


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Okay it's been a hot second since I updated b/c my job do be jobbin but I found some time to touch up my already painted left gauntlet and then start work on my right. So the main diff on the left is I added in grey camo which was my original idea before I just slapped yellow on there, and then the right gauntlet is all camo. They're still way far off from being finished because for the most part this is basically a base layer but it is getting very close to completion. I'll try to update sometime this weekend

If you had mentioned adding yellow with out photos I personally wouldn't have thought it'd go with it. Seeing photos with that now I think it actually goes with it really well.
If you had mentioned adding yellow with out photos I personally wouldn't have thought it'd go with it. Seeing photos with that now I think it actually goes with it really well.
Hey thanks! I'm reaching a good progress point so I can actually take photos and post em later today. I love the yellow paint scheme I did and I cannot wait to dirty it up a bit
Okay! Test fit has been done and it's looking nearly perfect. The entire upper body is finished and now I work on my legs, then finally helmet. So far this all fits perfectly, I got amazing range of movement, and it's mostly comfy to wear! When it's all painted and built I'll weather it all at once


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I know I know, this is like a nothing update but I got this shotgun shell rack off aliexpress and it finally arrived so I did a little dismantling, a lil repainting, and then bolted it to my gauntlet and it looks SO cool


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