helmet help??

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Active Member
I'm makeing a pep hemlet, only a little differently.
instead of fiberglass and cardstock, i stapled cardbaord
to the peices and cut them out. I then scored the folds
and everything like. that. to make the peices stick i used
packing tape on the inside and out side. I'm woundering
now if i should prime the tape, resin it( make the paint
stick then add another layer to keep the paint on??) or
anything else. I already spray painted it once but it peeled
off realy easily. I was thikning that I would prime it grey
then cover it in clear packing tape, then spray paint it so
that when the paint chipes off i would have sort of a natural
battled look, and the grey would show up underneath. should
i seal the spray paint after to keep it on?? I'll add pictures on
monday. (no digital camera or scanner. no cammera period)
Thanks alot in advance. this is a practice helmet for fiberglassing.
I still want to be able to wear it though. I'm making this one
so I can wear it to school and it won't matter nearly as much
if it gets wrecked by my crazy friends.
i didn't want to fiberglass it because I wanted to be able to wear it to school, and it not get totally destroyed by my destructive friends, and because I just don't have the money for fiberglassing. (saving for x-box 360 elite and Halo 3 legendary, guitar hero 3 and call of duty 4) plus i was under a dead line a weekend away. ( school spirit day) I think it turned out pretty good, except now i'm turning it into a mc helmet halo 3 version. ( cut cut cut!!!) please tell me a way to make the paint stick, like the resin etc way i mentioned ear;lier.
lizander said:
i didn't want to fiberglass it because I wanted to be able to wear it to school, and it not get totally destroyed by my destructive friends, and because I just don't have the money for fiberglassing. (saving for x-box 360 elite and Halo 3 legendary, guitar hero 3 and call of duty 4) plus i was under a dead line a weekend away. ( school spirit day) I think it turned out pretty good, except now i'm turning it into a mc helmet halo 3 version. ( cut cut cut!!!) please tell me a way to make the paint stick, like the resin etc way i mentioned ear;lier.

Woaah hold on sec u cannot be saving for the legendary edition because they are sold out...

And for the fierglasing its not that big of a deal only cost me 30 dollars to do my one (and i live in europe where everyhing is 200% more expensive + i hve 28.9% taxes for every iem i buy)
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The pics are comming on monday. I have no cammera at all. I didn't wan't to screw up on the fiber glass and I don't want to have to buy a respirater, so i'm waiting for my dads friend to bring a respirater so i can just use that. I'll find a way to get the legendary halo 3. but back my questions. I'm wondering what i should use to make the paint stick. i was thinking that I would spray paint the helmet grey or silver then coat it in clear resin. After that I would spray paint it the color i want, then maybe seal it. That way when the paint chips i get a battle worn look with out having to do any special work on it. would the resin stick to the packing tape??
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