New Member
On my first helmet I'm working on, I just finished the last resining and started to sand it.<ul>[*]Well first off is that it has a lot of kinks and stuff in it that I don't want to show. Should I put Bondo over it to make it a flat round surface (even though I don't really know what Bondo is), oh and it's the front of the helmet that's bumpy incase anyone wanted to know.[*]After a few minutes of sanding I went through the paper where there wasn't resin cloth, should I Bondo that too?[*]How the hell am I suppost to breathe? I put it on for a minute or two to see how it looked and I couldn't get any air, how did you guys do it?[*]The helmet is a little big and slides around on my head, how did everyone else get their helmet to stay on?[/list]Any help is welcome, thanks.