Help w/ warping problems w/ the N6 helmet.

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if its warping in, then cardboard should work just fine. I use a pizza box, little ceasars always seems to work well, thin but strong, easy to cut too. hope that helps!!!
I tried your method McClain. I made the base part stiff with cardboard, but when I tried to assemble the pieces, they wouldn't reach all the way, and subsequently they warped themselves and tore a little. I must be doing something horribly wrong, because I just can't seem to get this right.
Ok, man!
Time for a PEP INTERVENTION!!!!!
I'll pep that part and see what's wrong with some old left-over 65 lb cardstock.
Don't wanna waste my 110...
Much thanks mate. I'm sure you can point out what I'm doing wrong, because I really wanted to make this helmet before the Reach launch date.
Hey, I saw that you were using Ral Partha's unfold of the model, try pepping Brandon's instead... I came to that conclusion comparing the pictures with both files.
I'm still gonna pep that part if Brandon's unfold doesn't work....
OH and are you keeping the helmet outside to cure? If so it's probably just the wind screwing it up... I suggest putting the helmet on a stand close to a wall and building a four wall shield from a rather large piece of cardboard by cutting it in squares and hot glueing it together. Make the box as tall as possible to avoid wind coming in from the bottom of the box... It's just a theory, it may not work. Just try and tell me if it works or not, and I'll pep the piece and resin it when I get some to see what's wrong.
I was leaving outside to cure, and that may have been a problem. I'll build wind barriers, and I will indeed use Brandons unfold.
What are you going to do with the other 5 helmets?
Just put them on a shelf and forget about them?
What would be cool is you sand them down and paint them all sorts of different colours to see what the finished one would look like :p
That sort of determination will get you a long way. I should have mentioned that I typically add the cardstock to areas like the chin after the pep is completely assembled. The only time I add them mid build is when it would be too tough to do post pep. Hope that helps.
@ Brandon McClain

Hey bro, do you remove the cardboard piece that prevents warping after you have rondoed/fiberglassed the inside of the helmet? thanks
Well, my helmet warped when i did something like that. It turns out I applied too much pressure to the model with the brush, it pushed it down and it sagged. I use bamboo Q-Tips i got for free so i can gently get in all the cracks of a pep model.
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