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That password is what is supposed to make you spend 38 bucks to register Pepakura. It has not been given out on this site, and probably won't, as that would be technically stealing and I'm sure no one here wants that kind of trouble.
imMonkeyGOD said:
So are you saying we gotta buy Pepakura Designer? I am confused :p

No, not saying you have to buy it to use it. You have to pay to register it and gain access to the password protected features, like saving. If someone here were to publicly post a password so everyone could use the full features, it would essentially be pirating / stealing it.
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Well I have the full version of Pepakura Designer but still asks me for the password :p

Ah nevermind, I'm just gonna use the PDF but what is the scale number for it? I don' want to end up with a big bobbled size Iron Man Helmet nor a too small to fit anyones head helmet. :p Please respond herogear!
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These where posted on some of the other papercrafting boards... Both work & are clean.
It's up to your moral judgement if you want to use them.... ;)

No, Because other Boards choose to host illegal content, we will not.


& the helmet is scaled realisticly, so it's a decent size... no bobble-head or mini... :)

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honestly.. if you're willing to spend hundreds of dollars on making armor. Why not just throw a few bucks at the tamasoft guys and buy a liscense for pep. It's not like it's expensive.
cgspartan said:
honestly.. if you're willing to spend hundreds of dollars on making armor. Why not just throw a few bucks at the tamasoft guys and buy a liscense for pep. It's not like it's expensive.
I did buy it :p I'm just saying that people can have it for free with that :D
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imMonkeyGOD said:
I did buy it :p I'm just saying that people can have it for free with that :D


My comment wasn't really aimed at any one person.. just sort of in general
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I {almost} always buy my software, when it's reasonably priced... I paid for my Pep & Metasq, & many other " little guy " programs... It's stuff like 3Dmax & Photoshop with their $300-$1000 inflated pricetags that send me surfing to the nearest P2P.... ;)

I only posted the links to help out the "not old enough for a paycheck" members... :)

one of the good thing about the big softwares like 3dmax and maya is that when you're using them professionally, a lot of times you really only pay the big sum once. Most of them have these subscription group things where you pay them a yearly fee (sort of like being in a club) and you get all your upgrades covered by that fee. It's what i do with 3dmax. since I use it for freelance. no point in wasting 4 grand every year and a half when they come out with a new version that has like 2 new or fixed features :p
OMFG! TYVM! Keygens are the next best thing, next to self-adjusting squeegees of course. Ty for posting it, now I can save my pep scaling adjustments.
Even with the registered version it still asks for a password. I don't think it has anything to with with it being registered or not. Any update on the password?
Where is the source on these models? I'd like to make a simpler version for some of the less skilled and less patient pep'rs.
joshua61991 said:
Very nice, hey get your friends to dress up and run around as the justice league.
justice league with ironman wrong team there buddy
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It shouldn't be passworded... Let me check & see what's wrong with it. I know one of the files got repackaged on another pep site, so it might have gotten slipped in then...

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