Hey, new here, would like some advice.

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New Member
Hey guys! So far i've just been reading, but it's time i took action. I'm trying to make a nice suit armor, but faster then i think is humanly possible. I have school from 8:00am to 4:00pm (i live in virginia) and then i have about 1-4 hours of HW each day. That leaves about, say, one to two hours each day(for my armor) on a very good day. The weekends, maybe 2-3 hours a day. I would like to finish before the end of october, but anytime is good. Does anyone have any projections on how long it would take me (in man-hours[including painting, resin, fiberglass etc.]or days) to finish a basic painted armor? No special bullet rebounds, scrapes, or whatever. Any help would be great. Thanks.

(I'm younger than most of you, probably, and only 5"2'. Don't laugh, I know I'm short. :p )
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I think you can do it..... A lot of Advice is every where ... there is Tutorials also on how to do things... you should look at them...
Also what are you doing in OCT?
First of all, I have read ALL of the Pepakura tuts,(that I know of) and have started on the helmet. I scaled it down and used a ruler to see if it seems like it would fit, and it appears so. As of now, i'm almost done cutting out the cardstock (used 110lb, if anyone needs to know) And would also like to know if i could find a cheap (under 20 bucks) visor, preferably reflective orange/gold, or make one. any could would work, but the gold/orange would be amazing. I have the resin, hardener, fiberglass cloth, and am ready to go, just gotta get it assembled :mad: Any helpful hints?

oct? Told you i was new... :p
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LOL! I feel like an idiot, also. Well, I was thinking about doing some halloween festivities, Also wearing MOST of it to school. (Can you sit on the "crotch piece" without it cracking or breaking? that would be AWESOME.)
Thanks for the help, BTW.
Kadiin said:
Hey guys! So far i've just been reading, but it's time i took action. I'm trying to make a nice suit armor, but faster then i think is humanly possible. I have school from 8:00am to 4:00pm (i live in virginia) and then i have about 1-4 hours of HW each day. That leaves about, say, one to two hours each day(for my armor) on a very good day. The weekends, maybe 2-3 hours a day. I would like to finish before the end of october, but anytime is good. Does anyone have any projections on how long it would take me (in man-hours[including painting, resin, fiberglass etc.]or days) to finish a basic painted armor? No special bullet rebounds, scrapes, or whatever. Any help would be great. Thanks.

(I'm younger than most of you, probably, and only 5"2'. Don't laugh, I know I'm short. :p )
How young 13 and under?.... i just turned 14.
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LOL! I feel like an idiot, also. Well, I was thinking about doing some halloween festivities, Also wearing MOST of it to school. (Can you sit on the "crotch piece" without it cracking or breaking? that would be AWESOME.)
Thanks for the help, BTW.
Ya, I want to know about the sitting down thing too.
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13? Wow. You're very web-literate for a 13 year old.

I'm kind of in the same position as you are, but i'll stay tuned in on your progress. Good Luck!
I am thirteen as well. What does web-literate mean? Lol, just kidding. (That was a joke, ur supposed to laugh)
Lol, thanks. I just hate those "plz hlp, ned 2 finsh b4 oct plezzz" people as much as you guys do. Thanks for the compliment, though.
I'm sure you'll at least be able to get the majority of it done by Halloween, considering you get things done on schedule and stick to it.

I'm going to say that the helmet's the hardest, just because of the amount of pieces...But i'm not sure, I haven't made one myself.

So, get the helmet done, and I think you'll be a few steps closer.
Arlight thanks. Also, I might have already said this, but does anyone know how to get a cheap or make a cheap visor? Thanks for the help.
Search ebay for HJC gold visor.

You should find the best deals on it there.

This question was also addressed in the Ultimate Pepakura FAQ if you haven't had a chance to peruse it yet.
oh man still im the youngest i think. im 13, but like ganna be a couple of months before april 21st. anyone younger? anywho, im also trying to get my suit done before end of october too. so far total: 0% i messed up on helmet coz it was to small. >.<
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