How smelly is it really?

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Well-Known Member
I'll have to start using some of those highly toxic chemicals soon. Since I have neither garden nor garage (they are there, but they aren't mine), I'll have to use them inside, close to a window. My plan is to keep the door closed and the window open for a day or so.

But... how long does that smell stay there? Does it stick to things, so they keep smelling even after venting the room?
And most importantly: How "far" does it travel? Will my neighbours smell it? They are probably going to be freaked out enough when they see me with that respirator...
It may take up to a week to fully air-out your room, and yes your neighbors may smell the fumes depending on how close they live to you.
I highly recommend not fiberglassing inside. The fumes are quite strong. Do it outside early morning in the corner of the parkinglot, or at a friends house :X

good luck
Fiberglass resin is a bit strong, and the smell will linger for a couple days on your part. It's not stronger than spray paint though. I live in an apartment complex and do my work outside on the patio. I have asked my neighbors if the work I do bothers them just to be sure that it was ok and they say they don't even notice :)
At a friends house... right :)
But the parking lot is actually a good idea, as long as the neighbours are gone.

The reason I'm a little reluctant to vent the stuff into the garden is that there are several small children here and what's bad for me is certainly even worse for them.

Update: The smell isn't as bad as I had expected.

Update 2: I changed my mind. It actually is.
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