How to make a vacuum table?

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New Member
Hi people , ive been lurking around reading threads and finding some armor pieces and i found the pilot helmet file :). That was my favorite helmet from reach , since am new i wasn't very good at finding this pep files but thankfully a member posted all that has to do with reach armor. So since ive seen alot of helmets, i saw something difrent from the pilot to the chiefs h3 helmet. That the visor is is youts placed inside the helmet etc but this pilot or eva i think , people use a vacuuming table. so my question is is there a thread on how to build your own vacuum table??? because buying one is a little too expensive and i want to focus more on buying the materials of my armor.


Basic Box

I started with a basic five sided wood box out of half inch particle board. This will be the infrared "oven". 24 inches deep, 35 inches long, 24 inches wide. Thats pretty straight forward.

Um Confused. Not straight foward what is a infrared "Oven" How does this make it so that you can replicate 3d objects. Okay it tells me how big to make the box and what type of oven I need but not what type and how to set it up exactly. Some people can just build a item by an object I require a little more explantation. Do you think you could break it down a bit more?

It says to download step by step instructions to get pro and pay 30 bucks a month. LAME!> do you have a pro memebership? Anyway you can shoot me the PDF instructions on how to do this?
What ever you do, please try to avoid using the stove you cook your food with to heat up the plastic. Heated plastic can release noxious fumes. You wouldn't want that stuff permeating into your food, making you sick.

Aside from that, the video Jimmy posted is a decent one.
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