I figured what I did wrong. After I pressed print it asked if I wanted it to adjust itself to my paper. I clicked yes and it made is small. I just have to click no!!
I figured what I did wrong. After I pressed print it asked if I wanted it to adjust itself to my paper. I clicked yes and it made is small. I just have to click no!!
That happened to me but I'm just starting glueing.....I wonder if i should continue. I clikced yes to that message too.
EDIT: NOOOOOOOOO I just did a restest and i printed 1 page and lcikced no to the question and the helmet turned out bigger.........I gonna have to start over *sigh*
EDIT: I finsihed scaling and everything and when i printed it saying no to the question none of the parts fit on the pages!!!!!!1 help?
You must position the pieces to the very left of the page. As close to the edge as you can. That worked for me. Now I just need stupid hot glue sticks!
You must position the pieces to the very left of the page. As close to the edge as you can. That worked for me. Now I just need stupid hot glue sticks!
I did the same thing. But I have to vary my scale. I am about 5'10'' but I have a long torso and shorter legs and shorter arms and im pretty skinny. So on the arms so far I have had to trim alot off to make them fit me. Also this is the glue im using. You have about 5-10 seconds to get the piece where you want it before it will keep it there for good.