Friday January 5th 2007, Was my mom's funeral
Friday was the longest and the fastest day of my life
There was a large group of family and friends
I know that my mom was pleased.
I gathered together several items to place in her casket
The first item was a personal good buy letter to my mom thanking her for everything she has done for me in her life.
I made sure that she had her reading glasses
Two of her favorite pocket novels
A angel wall hanging I made for her
A cooking magazine, because she loved to cook
A pendent that I made her for mothers day 2006
It was engraved with a rose.
Her hearing aid, with a fresh battery (not that she ever used it. but I gave it to her just to be sure)
A few hand made Christmas ortments that her nephews 11 and 4 made for her
when she was in the nursing home.
A birthday card from her niece. It came late (after my mom passed) So I read it out loud for her
and made sure that she had it with her.
A going away card and a another angel from my friend and his wife and two daughters.
And I believe that I full filled all of my moms wishes.
I just wanted to share with all of you how my day went on Friday the 5th
Thank you all for your support and prayers and warm wishes
for me , my mom and family
When I can I will still share some memories I have of my mom
Thnaks again