I think we should get a big team battle game set up for Halo 3! After everyone has Betten Campaign

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Well-Known Member
It should take one or two days to finish campaign, who would be interested?


My Gamertag is: Life Hazard, I've played with most you guys, (Adam Could host)
I'd love to..Now granted im not very good on legendary but im sure with help we could all beat it..

Add my GT: Gruntofaction

Now granted since I will be playing on easy (don't make fun of me please, im not skilled at Halo and the new controls will take some getting used to) so it might be like a day or 2 before I beat the game...im disconnecting Xbox Live so no1 messages me the ending.
MasterGun said:
send me a party invite im already in mjolnirarmorcom clan
Mastergun just add me if you want "Kevinx001" my hands are bleeding right now so i have to go i just cut it while trying to get meatloaf for my mom -.-=[
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WanderingRon1n said:
why is everyone obsessed with christi????its a girl. i know alot of them that play halo.
fine then i'll be on the girls team! [if its a gender defendic game >> <<] im always playing on the girls team o_O and we end up winning! :eek:
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WanderingRon1n said:
girls are fine i used to play with girls all the time. but everyone is obsessed w/ christi
Exactly but someone send me a Clan InvitePretty please?
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Leadingspartan said:
Exactly but someone send me a Clan InvitePretty please?

Halo 3 doesn't have clan support built into it like Halo 2. That feature is coming with the Fall update on the 360.
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