I'm So Close!

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no, i do think the helmet is too big, look at his back plate, he is using the spartan back which is designed for a 7 foot tall human. he has also supplied a odst figure for display and you can see the difference. therefore if he uses this armor then the helmet will be out of proportions
looks to me like everything is pretty proportional with small exceptions. Try temporarily strapping with tape or something to get them in the right position. Test fitting the cod over jeans is not the best idea, as the folds of denim tend to grab the piece. Remember that if your pieces are too snug before glassing, they will be even tighter afterward. Looks good to me. Keep going!

It looks like you have the strut/seperator/thong thingy still attatched to the crotch. I would take it out and raise the cod up a bit more.
Don't forget to add ALL the missing detail!


Kind of dissapointing to see a pep project look good at first, but then go south because they only use bondo for smoothing and add no details.
UNIT-SPARTAN#007 said:
this is looking good lol keep it up!

Thanks. I've kinda stopped production on my MKVI for a while, because I'm working on a plasma pistol. I may be resining the pieces that fit soon.

P.S. How would one go about making the under armor? Or do I just buy some Underarmor from somewhere.
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Nice job lad! Just keep working, and hey I hear ya on the winter storm. I have 2 pieces left to go on mine and then out to the shed. It would have been done but work and lack of propane out there (tank ran out) I couldn't do it. Good luck and keep me posted on the results.
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