Hey Pacific peoples,
Washington folks should be aware that we've ingratiated ourselves with the organizers of SummerCon who have really put together a fun Comic Convention. I just learned that they are now creating a new event that is a Gaming Expo (like a mini PAX). This first year they want to really push Halo as a main component and have already lined up three Halo celebs!
So, the interest thread is to see if any of you want to work together (or separately) to increase our foot print at this event with more stuff!!!
Canadian regiment recently did something similar in this thread:
I wanted to get this thing posted up so we can all rally here and begin the planning phase of the good stuff. We had a good VC last night about everything and have a minor division of labor for things to assemble or work on for the coming year. We split it up into a bare minimum for the booth...
I still will be bringing our Pacific Recruitment Booth. But, I wanted to know if any of you all had ideas or plans on other things we could fabricate or bring. I've seen a lot of cool stuff from other regiments. European often brings camo nets and sets up like a trench outpost. Delta battalion has a Nerf Shoot the Brute game. HOD Anaheim had a MG + ODST chests that people could take photos with. Montreal has a life size 3d print of our main man MC.
Washington State Gaming Expo. 1,409 likes · 12 talking about this. A gaming convention celebrating video, tabletop, and party games with the community that enjoys them!