Iron Man Progress Signature

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I just relized moments before posting that Iron Man was recently added to a similar progress sig thread. However I put all the time is so I figure I might as well release it any way. Here is two screenshots of the sig, and the link where the PSD can be obtained.

EDIT: The file is made in photoshop, and a version of photoshop will be required to open it. If you don't have photoshop, I can not be of assistance. Photoshop is the program I use. If there are individuals who feel they would like to try to create some form of PHP, or flash, or GIF to create a version that can be used by individuals who do not own photoshop then have at, just give me a few props for my time on the visual end. Thanks.



I appreciate the comment, however, how else do you suggest people edit there progress? do you think it is viable to upload all 1296 different combination of progress as PNG's? I think the people we have here are A. smart enough to know they can ask for someone to edit them a file to reflect current progress, or B. know they are SOL.
Kodorei said:
People who need this stuff dont usually have photoshop...

I have photoshop and am quite capable in it, but if I were to build an Iron Man costume I would use it :D

Keep up the great work Clarx!

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Look at my sig and there is a link to an online esig that doesn't use Photoshop. Usually they use PHP to change the color of the selected areas and then save the final results as an image.

However is there was a GIMP version a lot more people could use it. Since GIMP is freeware. And maybe Gimp can open the Photoshop files.
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