I've got a dumb idea... *Spoilers*

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Anyone remember when the grunts would run from you in the original game they would yell, "cyborg!"? If Bungie says he's a cyborg, he's a cyborg. Also he has a neural implant that links to his suit, that qualifies him as a cyborg. ;)
marathon takes place before halo. in marathon, the terminals talk about "10 mjolnir mark IV cyborgs" and mention that 9 of them are on the planet fighting the enemy.

as far as chief being a cyborg, doesnt he have steel in his bones to keep them from breaking? i know the suit is heavy, but im sure those bones account for a big chunk of his 1000lb weight.
Didn't the halo 1 manual describe the chief as a cyborg? Furthermore the definition of a cyborg is so loose that even simple non mechanical prosthetics qualify, if stuff like glass eyes and peg legs (frsrsly) count, I would think the modifications the chief underwent would count. It doesn't really matter though since bungie has stated pretty flatly that marathon and halo aren't set in the same universe. I know there's a lot of common terms and stuff, but I'd attribute that more to idea recycling than actual convergence.
Chief is a cyborg, plain and simple. He has nueral implants (from book) "When [cortana] plugged in Jon felt a cool sensation in his head, like a gel flowing over his brain"
His bones are reinforced artificially.

If he can FEEL computer data IN HIS BRAIN, that pretty much settles it, no single bioligical being could FEEL DATA
The Master Chief has ceramide grafts in his bones. Also, he is not very cyborgish. Besides hight and muscle, he looks like any other human with very white skin.
From what I heard Bungie intended for Master Chief and the protagonist in Marathon to be one and the same, and that the events in marathon would take place 250 years AFTER the events in the Halo series.

now being that MC is in the freezer the entire time I dont see how that would be too far fetched. So far Bungie hasnt commented on how MC would tie in to the Marathon series and since Microsoft now owns all the intelectual property from the Halo series "IE: Master Chief" it would be unlikely that Bungie would have the Halo series tie into the Marathon series because that is once again putting them under Microsoft's thumb. A place that they just fought to get out from.

Also...MC is a cyborg let it go, he has atificially placed electronics in his brain allowing him a neural interface with the suit and Cortana.

Just because he doesnt look like the kid from Teen Titans doesnt make him any less a Cyborg, anything that is atificially placed into your body to enhance your combat abilitys makes you a cyborg

Master Chef said:
The Master Chief has ceramide grafts in his bones. Also, he is not very cyborgish. Besides hight and muscle, he looks like any other human with very white skin.

And Arnold looked just like a human too in Terminator...but was still a Cyborg
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i didnt read most of this topic but i would just like to chime in here, Master chief IS a cyborg, in the Halo one manual it says specifically that he IS a cyborg
Theres a 'transition' in Halo 1. After Captain keyes gives you the pistol the screen reads Cyborgs and AI's First! or something close. It definately says Cyborg.

Although i would find the Marathon story merge intresting i dont think it'll work. As with travelling BACK in time. Although Nicole was capable of it, i dont think it follows Cannon. Plus, If Master cheif goes back in time and prevents things from happening time would mess up. Severely.

I think it may just be a cameo to go with the other refrences in Halo
Andrew L said:
and they say i bash people? calm down guys he didn't ruin anything. Bungie announced they're already in production for Halo 4. calmmmm down...

4? where? is it the movie i have on myspace? http://www.myspace.com/kaska_kurin
noone care if i have my ms link right? oh and also on my page is the infamous mc vs samus...hehehe lol

but the movie thing for halo 4 or halo the movie whichever is the middle one....
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I heard, what was supposed to be leaked from Bungie, that the planet he's heading to is the either the Forerunner, or the Precursor's home world, but most likely the first.
i heard it was the elite home world from someone.

also i was pretty sure bungie is ending he MC story line. they said there probably will be more halo but not about John-117. personally i want to see Kurt.
Im all for the idea of the planet being the remenants of the shield world Onyx because there are indeed spartans trapped in or on Onyx at the end of the book and also they have released a new halo book Contact Harvest.
Andrew L said:
and they say i bash people? calm down guys he didn't ruin anything. Bungie announced they're already in production for Halo 4. calmmmm down...

really? man i dont go on here as much as i use to...
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i say soon as you lose your sex drive your a robot. no more purpose but to blindly serve humanity. might as well been programmed lol. so that combined with his other changes makes him cyborg.
i check b.net every day. if they announced halo 4 i would know it. in fact, they even said there wouldnt be a halo 4.
The Chief is a cyborg, being both cybernetically and biologically augmented. Get over it. And I think I read somewhere that Bungie had said that Halo is not Marathon, but I could easily be wrong.
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