Krap, This Just Ruined My Life

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darkm2021 said:
actually, school in America IS pretty pointless after you get out of the 9th grade, after that it's all review over the stuff you've learned, which is kind of gay that i have to go through that again just to get a piece of paper that says i know how to do all this stuff, but then again i do occasionally learn new things, but not too often.

anyway, i'm going to try and use that certificate i got for achieving exemplary on state testing, now i have a problem of how to get there...

i dont own a car :(

If that's not a joke I'm going to speed up my plans and get out of America RIGHT NOW.

Unless you are capable of acing college-level Calculus or AP English, then you are wrong in every way. If your grades "aren't the best", you should spend the time in school instead of at a stupid concert. It's extremely difficult to get any sort of well-paying job without good education, and no one will hire someone who will skip work for a concert that is easily seen on YouTube/TV/etc.

9th Grade is actually the BEGINNING of "real school", because your grades matter much more, and because if you don't pay attention, you will die while taking the SAT and/or ACT.
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My senior year, the entire senior class skipped to go to a pink floyd concert. (Yeah, I'm old, shut up!) The best thing about it, was we saw our "sick" algebra teacher there.

It was not the best thing to do, but it happened at the end of the year, when all we had left was finals.

My advice: go to class. Working fast food sucks. Get good grades and find a job that you like, not that you have to settle for. There are very few jobs now that don't require some kind of degree. When I graduated highschool, you didn't even need a highschool diploma to get a job as a graphic designer, now, you need an Associate's Degree at least in order to get hired.

"There is a time and a place for those kind of things, It's called college."
Just get a bunch of drunk friends and cram them inside your room, stink up the place with lots of BO, turn the lights off and play the CD as loud as possible. Instant concert.

Seriously, its not that bad to miss a concert.. Especially since its music you've heard a hundred times already.
Some of the people who posted in this thread are in for a real surprise when they get to college.

Spoiler: The smart kids will not keep your grades floating by at a passing level, because college teachers grade individually and not on the average of a group.

Mr. T says, "Be cool, stay in school."
dungbeetle said:
My senior year, the entire senior class skipped to go to a pink floyd concert. (Yeah, I'm old, shut up!) The best thing about it, was we saw our "sick" algebra teacher there.

It was not the best thing to do, but it happened at the end of the year, when all we had left was finals.

My advice: go to class. Working fast food sucks. Get good grades and find a job that you like, not that you have to settle for. There are very few jobs now that don't require some kind of degree. When I graduated highschool, you didn't even need a highschool diploma to get a job as a graphic designer, now, you need an Associate's Degree at least in order to get hired.

"There is a time and a place for those kind of things, It's called college."
Was that the 'infamous' senior skip day? :)
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i finally got my dad to allow me to go, and like i said before...
my school uses block scheduling, we have a days and B days, the concert is on an A day and that just so happens to be a day full of fun classes (none of which have homework... EVER) so i should be safe grade-wise

and i'm not really skipping because i am one of few people to get an exemplary score on state math testing, which earns me a couple days off of school
Dude, you don't just 'earn' time off of school.

School's there for you to learn stuff in. By rights no school in the entire WORLD would authorise a student to go to a concert rather than stay and learn something, even if that kid's a straight-A student. Any teacher with more sense would tell that kid to stop being such a snot-nosed brat and stay, and actually learn something rather than go moshing around with a countless number of other idiots.

Conversely, if you think passing your tests with flying colors 'earns' you time away from class as a reward, think again. Education is all about how hard you're willing to push yourself - you obviously don't give half of a damn enough to want to be the absolute best you can if your attitude is 'meh, let's go to a concert'.

Besides, Disturbed are overrated as it is. I have their discography and I only listen to a few songs - you're missing time off of school for THEM? Wow, you really have poor taste.
darkm2021 said:
Disturbed (one of my favorite modern metal bands) is coming to Wichita Kansas (I live in Kansas but not Wichita) BUUUUUUUT there's a catch (always a catch...)

The concert takes place on Wednesday the 1st, I HAVE SCHOOL!!!!!
crap, that just ruined my life

well, I can always wait til they come back... IF they come back
anyone nearby going to see them at Hartman Arena next week?
if you want to see details on their tour, check out the website

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Once again, why skip school at all? If the doors open at 2pm, the actual concert won't start for at least a few hours later.


I think kids deserve days off from time to time. Unless you live in a fascist military state, students deserve rewards, same as adults. If his grades are good, taking a single day off isn't going to ruin his life, as long as he gets right back to work after, and Since Mum and Dad are in on this, I suspect that'll be the case.

Once again people are taking this subject to unnecessary extremes for the sole purpose of starting an argument.


Don't feed the troll.
This is kinda like what happened to me friday. Our high school basketball team made it to state, but the game was at 1:45. The high school got out early (11:30 i think) and my brother got to go to the game, but my parents made me stay in school (junior high) and I couldn't go. There was like nobody at school that day, and it sucked.
CPU64 said:
Just get a bunch of drunk friends and cram them inside your room, stink up the place with lots of BO, turn the lights off and play the CD as loud as possible. Instant concert.

Seriously, its not that bad to miss a concert.. Especially since its music you've heard a hundred times already.

different people experience different things differently (over-use of the word "different" maybe?)
anyway, you might not like concerts, but others love them, i'm one of those people who do like them
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Obviously everyones stated it already but I was going to talk earlier. You don't need to skip school. Concerts usually start at 5ish, and if its only a 45 minute drive, you'd be in good shape. I know your parents said you could go, and I've skipped school for random stuff too, but its not even necessary for ou to skip school. You'll get there on time/probably even early if you just leave after school.

Another thing I was going to comment on awhile ago, but didn't, was the whole argument of "school being a waste after 9th grade"
That's just pure fail. Sure, some of it is a refresher, but college is obviously important. It's all just a refresher because they're all just preparing you for the next one, all while obviously giving you information.

But I also agree that students who are doing good deserve some days off.

I think though the thread can die, I'm just adding more pointlessness to it.
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