London Comic Con, Sept 14-15 2024


Well-Known Member
Hey fellas, checking in to see if there would be any interest for us to have a booth presence at London Comic Con this year? They reached out to us and are very interested in having us there! Let me know know who’d be down even if you just want to come down for a day as I know it’ll be a drive for most of us.
ooooooo I can make that drive! So long as school isn't swamping me at that time. When is it?
edit: oh wait its in the title... hold on lemme check the calendar here...
edit 2: ok....... I could make it in theory, but the cleveland gaming classic is the following weekend. If there's big interest from you other folks then I'll be there! Otherwise I'll just spend the time prepping for cleveland
UPDATE: free weekend pass will be provided to anyone attending the booth, they’re even offering extra to close friends or family that want to come and help out too.
UPDATE: free weekend pass will be provided to anyone attending the booth, they’re even offering extra to close friends or family that want to come and help out too.
Hmmmm.... Maybe I can convince the wife to go and make it a family thing.
That way Aaden and my youngest can attend too. Lol.
Hey gang sorry for lack of updates but we’ve got a bunch of confirmation updates for the event! We have a booth space, change/storage room and then even provided a two bedroom hotel free of charge!

I’m just looking for a re-confirmation of those looking to come and if anyone wants to get in on the hotel deal! So far it’s just Brody and I and we can fit a bunch more than that!

Move in/set up starts on Friday the 13th (not ominous at all lmao) at 1pm and closes at 8. However we can stay until 10 so long as everything’s in the space after 8pm. Brody and I will be heading down that afternoon/evening to bring everything down if anyone wants to meet us for setup they can but we should be just fine with the two of us if need be.
Hey gang sorry for lack of updates but we’ve got a bunch of confirmation updates for the event! We have a booth space, change/storage room and then even provided a two bedroom hotel free of charge!

I’m just looking for a re-confirmation of those looking to come and if anyone wants to get in on the hotel deal! So far it’s just Brody and I and we can fit a bunch more than that!

Move in/set up starts on Friday the 13th (not ominous at all lmao) at 1pm and closes at 8. However we can stay until 10 so long as everything’s in the space after 8pm. Brody and I will be heading down that afternoon/evening to bring everything down if anyone wants to meet us for setup they can but we should be just fine with the two of us if need be.
I'll be able to give a more definitive ans once my finals are done. It's a bust con season with Fan Ex a few weeks prior and Cleveland Gaming Classic the following weekend. But it's soooo close to home it would be a shame not to go. I'll be able to give a better response once my co-op starts on the 3rd. If that hotel room doesn't fill up then I'll do multiple days, if it fills then I'll probably just do a day trip.
Ok London Comic Con is a GO for me!

Is there still space in that hotel room? I would be able to leave Windsor shortly after 3:00 on Friday and get to London around 5:30. I can bring those helmet stands if you think they'll be useful. I also have red/blue team flags, helmets, and weapons I can bring to display. I'll be able to stay the whole weekend (if there's still room in the hotel) and will be able to help with teardown on Sunday.
Heck yeah brotherrrrr!! London Comic-con was a big success!!!

To make sure discord doesn't take away precious pixels in our photos, please upload photos from the weekend to this shared google drive! Simply add a folder with your forum name and upload those pics for us all to enjoy in full high definition!
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