Looking to buy a spartan motorcycle helmet.

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New Member
I have been searching for a long time for a spartan helmet that can be used as a motorcycle helmet. Does anybody know of anyone who makes something like this, or would anybody be interested in making one? I just need a shell with a visor really. I could do the inside stuff.
this thread is gonna get locked before you can say "wheres Caboose?". this belongs in the classifieds, even if you post it there the 405ths armor is not recommended for outside activities. just to show to your friends, and wear around the mall.
Well, thank you for your help. I understand what the use of these costumes are intended for, which is why intend on padding it myself.
oh yea through some memory foam in there and your helmet would totally protect you form a motorcycle crash *Sarcasm* motorcycle helmets are designed to protect your head and they do a good job at that, most helmets here are made out of plastic or fiberglass and neither one will withstand a crash, save yourself the trouble its not worth your life
For crying out loud, what the heck does it matter? I can make the helmet safe! lol that is why I just need a shell. Plus it does not matter, because my state does not have a helmet law. I have ridden for a long time now. I know the risks involved. You do not have to tell what I need to be worried about.
You're going to have a hard time finding a readily available product like you want, and an even harder time finding someone to make it for you.

This website is dedicated to personalized armor making, not commercial endeavors. So, what will most likely be suggested to you is that if you want a Spartan motorcycle helmet....make one for yourself. :)
I am just trying to possibly benefit someone else. I have no time to pep one of these helmers. making it safe wouldn't take nearly as long as it would take to actually make the helmet. I have done no wrong by asking if anybody knows of a place where a I can get what I need, or if someone has what I need. You people act like Im trying to steal it.
No ones saying you've done any wrong, and we know you're not trying to steal. We know that you would almost surely compensate someone for making a helmet for you (I assume this is the "benefits" you mention), but at least in my opinion, that's really not the point of this site.

If you're in no rush to have a helmet right now, then I'm sure everyone here would be more than happy to help you through the learning process of making a helmet. I'm pretty sure almost everyone has time to do something like this, it just might take a little longer, that's all.
I have seen on youtube where a guy took one of the master chief helmets sold on ebay cut it up and attached it to a motorcycle helmet, didn't look bad, actually looked pretty badass, so maybe thats an idea you can go with
Wouldn't be easier to buy a plain white helmet and painting 'goalie-style' to look like a spartan helmet? Aside: Or of course you could go with what hyperballistik said and modify the outside with pep'd helmet parts
I think the only reason people are being aggressive about this because we hold all of our members in the highest regards and personal safety is an enormously vital issue that everybody takes very seriously. We aren't accusing you of stealing an idea, and we certainly aren't trying to tell you that you can't do something.

Yes you may not have specific motorcycle laws where you live, and yes you may have experience. We don't have the right to argue with those facts.

There are however 2 things about what you are saying that make me nervous. The first is that you said this is to benefit somebody else. You may be a great rider and whoever you are making this for may be too, but there is a tonne of liability here. Let's face it; motorcyclists fall all the time. Even good ones. I once heard a veteran biker say, "there are 2 types of riders; those who have fallen, and those who haven't yet". Asking people to make a helmet that they know will be used to make a protective item for somebody is a lot to ask, especially since it isn't even for you. There's just no way to account for someone else's skill.

The second thing is that the padding inside is not the only protection. If the helmet was made out of fibreglass, it would splinter and probably really mess up the person's face. If it was any kind of molded material that someone here would make, it would likely shatter. The companies that make helmets put loads of R&D into their products, and there's a reason for it...

We aren't trying to castigate you nor are we trying to judge, but you need to cool it and realize where people here are coming from.

If you are serious about this helmet thing then I'd suggest you either make your own, buy a licensed costume helmet, or settle for modifying a real motorcycle helmet. I can't condone anything other than modifying an existing helmet, and I think expecting "padding" to protect you in a crash is ludacris, but good luck anyways...
your best bet would be to go to the store and buy a lookalike helmet, then have someone who knows their stuff, bondo and build around the helmet base. then work from there. the classifieds would be the best place to find someone willing to do it. gonna cost you a pretty penny though. best of luck to you.
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